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- Publication:
- The Tacoma Daily Ledgeri
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- Tacoma, Washington
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THE TACOMA DAlLiY LEDGER THURSDAY MUVEMDEK 16 1531 SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS Markets Financial Stocks and Bonds li Investment Service I KEW YORK STOCKS il'rom Ijlrcet Frivnti- lrnuil Wire nf Jordan Wentworth A Co 31 ltust Building) 1 ti'rsii im-ins somt-iliing more tlivn provide Mumble and tin1 I WELL SECURED grEDEBAlfBWCo4E NON SPECULATIVE TAXES A general obligation Municipal Bond Security approved by the State Securities Commission consisting of State Engineer Attorney General and Superintendent of Banks in State of Oregon Denominations $500 $1000 Due Serially Average Price 9790 Yielding 6V BONDS Furnished Dally by Druinheller Ehrllrtnnan A Co Bust Building) Callable inis 1WT 104T 1947 1042 1P2S 1038 1023 1022 1052 Liberty 3'i Liberty Lit 4s LUi-rty let 4s lJN-rty 2d 4te Liberty 3d 4 Liberty 4th Victory 44 a Victory 4s of Ainer 4a S-'vi" I- undiT'Sta: 'I'ilinc It iurl'ldi' fur (vir el ij iir svhjee core of our funds ard 1 well riranizod ot'l'iec routine whieh ill fulfill his Til ii'W'l'- and unremitting: care to hi i AMERICAN FINANCE SAFE DEPOSIT CO Canndiaa Bonds Dominion of Canada 5a I- 1 II il 1026 Drumheller Ehrlichman Company BONDS Ilth Floor Knot Tacoxaa KUnCIFAL CORPORATION BONDS Main 1144 GOVERNMENT Ave Bide ii il loo: Overthrow of German Cabinet Is Influence on Bull Side Dominion of Canada Sa South Americas Argentine 7a 1927 TACOMA A nuraon main iso Tendency to Hold Gains SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS 0974 llWV 9SK 98 ts 100 03 00 101 4 1024 102 Vs 93 47V4 85 9374 04 4 06 tj 97 86 V4 dr 1047 1041 1026 1041 1046 1058 1054 1054 1046 1047 1946 1036 1052 Bulivia 8s Brasil 8s Chile 8s Chile 8s Chile 8 Dominican Kep Mexico 8 5 Mexico 4 Bio de Janeiro 8 Bio de Juneirn 5s Statu of HI" Grande do sul 8 Statu of Sao Paulo 8s City of San Paulo 8 BANKRUPT BROKER WINS FIRST ROUND SUIT INVOLVES TITLE TO LARGE TRACT OF LAND CHICAGO Nov 15 Wheat corn oats and rye today all touched new high price records for the season Active buying in the wheat market by houses with eastern connections hnd a decided bullish effect on every kind of grain Wheat closed strong l3i to 314 cents net higher with December llfli to 11914 and May 117 to 117V Corn finished T-i to 11? up and oats gained to 1VR In provisions Xl'W YOIIK Fuller head of Involving title to certain timber laB- age firm of li in Skagit Whatcom and Snohomish -or 30(ifillUO counties suit was filed in tha federal J4 wt a forilf court yesterday by Hays against tlj(llg lujay the Richardson Land Timber Coin- 'ua Timber Company and pany the Sound Nov the When against Lu will'd bankrupt breku iller A Co whim few hkjuUi-s victory in gciieii-l the fim 0f him charging bucketing was diMmsed on motion 7 Assistant strict Attorney oicutt soon us this was done however Jury was re-sworn and ins trial' begun on unoihc-r indictment Fred Chandler Jr and Rari donhall pui-imTS in the brokerage Jirm of anindul Druthers A Co wore acquiiti-d luiliy of charge of cmbczzli nu-ni ana lrauii i uli-iu conversion 1U0U 112 141k) 2 Mi llOti 27 111 23 cmons Advance While Oranges Are Quoted at Lower Figure 20 2ku0 28000 125 122i 124 Sumpter Lumber Company The latter concern is of Tacoma and the other two firms of Davenport la The Sound Timber Company in the complaint is declared to be fictitious In the complaint it is declared that the late Henry Hewitt Jr was the majority stockholder In the Sumpter Dumber Company It is alleged by Hays that in December 189S he sold to Feavey of Seattle 50000 acres ot land to the Richardson Land Company at a price of $1250 per acre Hays and Peavey were to share equally in profits It is further alleged that I'catcy conspired with Simons agent for i the Richardson Land Company had swindled the plaintiff in connection with the sale trimmed fide SSc IK veal 11 IK wuoli h'c head uif 10c IK head 011 1-c Sub i at alt back 10 lb Smnki'U died ham break-fa! bacon Ii to lha 3 Be lb 8 to 10 Ilia z- 111 10 tn 12 111 32c IK 12 tn 14 I)- ii 14 to lb 2c IK raiifnrnia I'l'on 27-' lb lotiagi ham plain ll rolled IK fancy baron 43Vic lb picnic hum 10c IK plain bams 11 tc Id Hi 20J-c IK DRIED FRUITS Apples 21 IK fancy 2V4c IK Currants I Be IK Whlis 110 MV) lb blacK lb Peaches 130 23e lb mica Italian lb Balslna Keeiijra liioifhc lb seeded 14o Ut HUTS New 1XL S5c lb Sic lb Chestuuta Japanese 25c lb Kew Hraail 15c IK 20c tl- Oc IK Peanuts Man Oc IK: roasted like IK Paras 31c IK 0 1 soft shell li l-raimiirtte 32c IK HAY GRAIH AHD FEHD Fred Egg mash 4v ton inillrun ton: serairh feed ton Gralu-grain ehoi ton liarb-y roiled tun barley ground 43 tun whole leu rum cracked 43 mu oats sprouted Ul tun: oats roiled 4d ton oats whole 41 inn Hay 25 ton timothy 28 ton straw MU tun i GRASS SEED AHD SEED GRAIN 1 Grass Alfalfa 37Q2bc IK alalka 370 1 38c IK: uiaiiiiiiolli clover 34C55c lb: orch- ard grass 28c IK red clover lb red top IK rye unot AugueK IK rjc gros Italian liSklie IK i sweet clover IK: blue grace 45c lb timothy 13c IK: white clover 60085c IK Seed kya 350 cwt spring retch 8G cwt RICE AND BEAKS Bran California Iwyo 850 cwt California lima 10 cwt choice small whits fancy pink 8 cwt fancy small cwt red Mexican 7 cwt speck-SU50 cwt Rica Blue Bose head ilundura head 10 cwt Japan 0 cwt white 8 led Imyo 7 cwt WEEKLY FRUIT REVIEW ti downward slant days pKS have i ri skyward Stan- ie ra ta-i ini NEW YORK Nov 15 Railroad and industrial shares staged a Quick rally in the early part of today's trading and many standard issues particularly tho industrials moved up several points over closing quotations Tho downward movement in many securities that were under pressure yesterday was checked and short coverings brought about material improvement in the quotations and a good buying power was noted in tho market Industrials showed a better tendency to hold their gains than the railroads The weakness of New Haven in the last hour had a deterring effect on the other rails Washington dispatches to tho effect that agitatiou will be started soon l'or mollification of the Ksch-Cuminins act in a way that will bo unfavorable for the carriers influenced the trading to a considerable extent Amonj the industrials which showed improvenu-nt were National Biscuit with a gam of 17 points of tho day's trading National Lead 5 points Corn 31 American Car A- Foundry 4 American Radi ator'-2 American locomotive 2 American Tobacco and General Electric 27s: United Fruit 2 Studc-bakcr 27a SSlandard Oil of New Jersey 23 points and L' lilted Stales Steel 17a- Preferred stocks of Western Maryland Chicago Rock Island A 1'aciiJc substantial gains 'n ho railroad list while ether stundard securities showed slight changes over the closing quotations yesterday Although trading was quiet in the foreign exchanges and movi-mcnis were irregular a nt-ltcr feeling was evident in regard to the situation Call money remained at 5 per cent tin ougliosit i he day Tolgl sales were Jl'HOOO shares as ugi-iiSi 156671'U -slcrday the outcome varied from five cents decline to 22 cents advance Strength in the wheat market developed after a brief period of uncertainty- which w-as generally ascribed to the overthrow of the German cabinet Offerings of wheat however proved meager and values rsn up sharply when aggressive buying set in Dulls contended that Germany would be granted a moratorium and that Germany and other European countries as a result of under production would have to bo big buyers all through the crop year Assertions that Germany would buy rio Argentine wheat unless with satisfactory admixture clause attracted considerable notice purchased for Germany last year said to have coiuaiuc-d 5 to 8 per cent black oats Independent strength shown by the corn market was also an influence that aided the upward swing of wheat prices Corn owed its climibng tendency largely to evidence that much corn which under ordinary circumstances would come here is being diverted from Chicago to the west and southwest by higher prices obtainable in these sections Oklahoma was reported as bidding higher prices than Chicago today in Central Illinois oats followed corn For the most part provisions showed a lack of support range of prices: Wheat a Arscntiiie 'wheat year was European and Other Governments Klneilmii of Belgium KiuKdnm of llelgiinn 7 Kliigiiiun of TK-lgium ts City of llergi-n 8 City of Berne 8s City of Bordeaux Cxi-cltii Slovakia 8 City of CniN-iiliUh'i-u 3'-j KiiiKdom or Di-nuiark i's Kingdom of Denmark Ss Dutch East Indie il Dutch Eal liirlle 6 French Gnvcrnmi-nt 7Va Hencti Governnii-ut 8 Imp Jap riterl Br 4 Imp Jap 2d 4 City of Iyon City of Marseilles 6 City of Prague 7a Kingdom of Kingdom of Norway 8 Stale iif Queensland 7a Stan- of Quernland 6s Dept of Seine 7 Kingdom of Sweden a Swiss Government 8 City of Tokyo 5a I King of A Ire 57 City of Zurich 8 Norway Public Utilities Amor Tel A Tel cl tr 5s Aiucr Tel A Tel col 4a Bell Tel of Pa 7a Brooklyn Edison gen 5 Brooklyn Edison 7s Central Diet Tel 5 Ciu Gas A Elec 5V-i I Col Gas A Elec 5s ('ominnnwroltb lwr Co 0 Colnm Gjik A Klee 5s Detroit City Ga 5 Bet Lillrnm rfg tia Del Edison rfg 5 Puipii Mm It A Put DU'iu'-mii- Li A Pwr 7'i Einpir-- Gn A 1-Yicl 7 Vi i-m bill- Gn ri 5s Midi Tel Mont Pwr Co 1st 5 IN Tel A Tel 1st Sa A 1040 1029 1945 1040 1040 1043 JINil 1037 1947 1027 1023 1940 940 1049 1910 1IK17 J034 1924 1913 1952 1902 i Atl Coast Line Atl Gulf A I Austin lil win Locomotive Balt A Ohio Barniulall A lb-fili Nut Bethlehem Stofl Brooklyn Edison Brook Rapid Transit ib i ftf Brooklyn t'n Ga- Brown Shoe Burn Bros A Bum IJru Butte A Superior Calif Packing Calif Petroleum Calnhau Zinc A Lrad Canadian Parlfic Central leather do preferred Cerro do Chandler Motors Chi A Ohio Chic A Eaat 111 Chicago A Chicago do preferred Chi Mil A St do preferred Chi Pneumatic Tool Chi Bock 11 A Poe do O'- prefirred do 7'f preferred Chile Copper Chino Copia-r duett CVn-a Cola Colo A Iron Coin Siiiitliern Col um I in Gu A Elec Coniimt Tali A lice Cnnuolidated Cigars Consolidated Ga Consolidated Textile iv arrvils reigned on the loeil i nli-t rday iv a fresh ship- hi if green ji-rs and a carload Yakima Milibut in'nh- another skyward c-iiry iri'iu vents for medium iii chit sizes in coins a pound i xidiio' i ycsteriiay's Quotations CHICAGO III Nov 10 The carim tnuvi im-iiL of i liiiiiuriaiu truu vegetables lor the week ending Y' ember 11 was l'iU-H ears a thr lMvcodnig kly niark-t bureau id Ugi ic-uiiurai 'couoinics sale of the property wm made to Hunr) About half the loss was due to a Hewitt Jr i 1909 lighter potato iufcA1 to go on wiih the contpfttt "lh 1 Shipmonis of boxod finnlos irf plaintiff new wants deeds to Sound Company and said to be held V1 aJier bul by Richardson li Bowden 'J 11 vu Joe liii' Fred Wyman and Sow-11 ro rtn Lodgcf auiiullcd and a commissioner 10 KaM nut ''al4or Jn sociionx appointed to execute a deed conveying dmincd Hint othr lines shuu-to Hays nil lands In dispute conveyed fed few marked chaugvs by llouiti and his wife to the Sumpterl LuuiIkt Company FORMER DRY AGENT HELD FOR BRIBERY HI TTE Mont Nov 15 I Slir-l fnriiier prohibition difi-i-tor for Muiit-ina was Indicted Tuesday by the i'cd-'i''il grand jury oil cliarg- of u--f-lMiiig bribes during his jurisdii-lioii in lh: stale He was arrested mi a bench warrant and was reb-a-'-d on 2009 on each of the two indicim-nis to be tried at Helena during the January term of frderal court Shelly who is Republican national coiiiniiti'-i man for Montana was np-pojniid skip- proli'blt director in July 1921 and a year Jaiep was removed by ruder front headquarters in Washing: oil NEW YORK Nov 15 Directors of the National l-'ucl a- Gas Company iu-day cuii-d a special iiu-etmi of niueit-iiold rs for Dcui inber 11 to consul iii'-i cung Hie cHiial stuck from to J7i'UU0un and disniuutiiia' a stuck dividend of lut per cent niin no ii'idilional sli-ir- for each one o-i record us of Dci-mibcr 15 Of i ITcscut capitalization $16509000 is outstanding (By Asso-'IhIoiI Pm) HONOLULU Nov The ITiwat-1111 i'liieapplc c'ornpuny today announced it bad r-xci-cised its up! ion in purchase the Island of Lanai Harpy and Frank EM id win fur Oiiu This is tin- iirg' st real esi-i 07 90 ioVx 96 107T6 00 Vi 074 07 Vi 80 04 90 191 i 04 Vs 102 i 106 03 0214 1 00 9'-a 97 Vj 102 084 07 109 105 03 104 oil D'l 107 91 14 97 -4V 90 IKlVi 1 1-7 1 Considering the remarkable strength i Niagara Fail Pwrs Niagara Close 110 117 107 Ta 71 7 ''14 7o4 43 43 40- 3444 1267k 11 mv) 20100 1284 40(H) 11 Vs 125 1014 Dec May July Corn Dec May uly Oats Dec May July Lai Jan 'lay Ribs Jan PRODUCE MARKETS SEATTLE Nov 15 Eggs Select local ranch white shells 58 do mixed colors 54 pullets 45 Butter City creamery cubes IS bricks or prints 47 l'OKTLAXD Nov 15 Prints extras 45 cubes extras 45 prime firsts 44 Ltutterfat Portland delivery No 1 sour cream 4S(i49 Potatoes Buying price: Locals GO ('( 7b selling price DOW 125 CHICAGO Nov 15 Butter un-j changed Eggs Higher receipts 26D4 cases firsts ordinary 'firsts miscellaneous 451 50 refrigerator extras 27 refrigerator lirsts 25h 251- NEW YORK Nov 15 Butter Kirin creamery higher than extras 50 6151 creamery extras 50 Eggs Irregular fresh gathered extra firsts 5861 firsts 48tf56 cheese firm SAX FRANCISCO Nov (U Bureau Agricultural Economics) Mutter extras 47 3 Eggs extra pulletb 51 Vi under-sized pullets 45 Cheese California young Americas fancy 27 Jl32 J94S 1041 104!) o'o 041 fc2 194 1 H4I 1041 1042 VX'J 11I--I 020 it'll 1941 1025 liklil 958 1031 1941 B'2i io9 1017 103! 1 10:7 K''i 1 1 IP4i 19-u ID: I IU'-- Jt'2'i 1922 1941 10 "(I 1 1 1 0:: 1 1041 1042 1942 NORTHWEST GRAIN 1 Furnished DuBi le Tarnwa Merchants' Tarnwa 3IHH) 1204 12714 1204 "(III 1010 100V 1O0rh 3460 404 4DV 46 MKI 157 155 156 Ei liHns'- CAB IMhTlI'TS PEFFXB BANDITS OFEBATZ i If AGO Nov 13 bandits snd wife blowers obtained 12000 in two hauls Iasi night nii -irlv today Robiu-rs fired Hire- at 11 fa nl Hr'ih-iin wlio nt- in i '-1 to escape them and tie threw i'-'r-ii''r in his eyes and robbed him of limit 5009 Safe blowers obtained $7000 from the safe in a West 63d ire i drygoods store deal in the of tht isIhuk Lanai contains square nuh-s nf wliicii the piiK-upplc coiiiiunj will uv11 nil i-pj about I000 acres NEW ORK Nov The Si iinlic Retail Stores ion luday -lured a nd of (-3 sh-iri u-mon slock payaliie in per cent inini-latic pn fci'i' stock CHICAGO Nov 15 Hearing ui ii-j Ciiicago Itu-ird of suit tu n-i the constitutionality the grain I -lures I Mi a regulation act was aaa-ii conti nu ud today Tin matter was jn-lativciy set l'or Friday CHICAGO Nov TI10 Farm! National Grain Dealers Assoc'-iiui lias endorsed the Great laliK-- Lawrence waterway it was unnouiiei i today at the organization's confcixu-: here WASHINGTON Nov Dr Leo Estabrook chief of tin: dii-sion of clop and li i s-tuck estiinrii- or the department of agi'iculturc signed contract with the government go to Rucnos Aires nid remain tlicro one year to reorganize i crop reporting and statistical of Argentine Tacoma Wnl 23 Xoi 1 to dme Si-HMIll dul "III8 Year ago 53: atlli Muniiar 65 Mr sou tu dale 4072 Yar ago 3815 Tuca 105 Sraiuiii to datr 0mm Del Isick A Wcat Detroit Edison Dome Mines Dupont Powder Eastman Kodak Elec St or Battery Endicctt Johnson Eric common do lt preferred do 2d preferred Famous Player Federal Kim -It pfd Fisher Body Fisk Tin- Fn-ejiort Texas General m-r Tank General Asphalt do preferred General Cigar General Electric do aeinl pfd General Motors Goodrich Granby Con Great North Ure do preferred Gn-i-ne Canaiiea Gulf States Steel Hendcc Mfg Houston oil Hudson Motors Year au 5 A Co Ldl-U'ii ref O' Tel (li-ll (I Tel gen 4 1 Tel ref 6 A EUIkiiii (I State 1st Stuli-s ref ll'll Tel 7 i 'ii fit- Gu A Klee 3 IMc Tel A Tel 5 I'ii' Tel A Tel 5 Sril'-e 5a Slaml Ci A Elec (U I Tel 5 Tuledii Eiiisnn 1st 7 Tileln Trac i tali Power A liglu 5a West Penn pr 7- WeallTlI Elec 7 Industrial Ajax Aim Agr 7 Aun-r Agr ('lien! 'si 5 in- Smell 1st A in bug A fin 6 111er Writ Piqnr 6a it Jnrgi ii 1 1 1 dx Anil-iir A Co rl At lief deli 5h lOiriiHilull A IS 8 Steel 1st l'etlili-liiMii Steel n-f 5 r'-llil-'liem sti-i-j 6 'i'lrm Bldg 5 Ci mi ile raeo 8 (Vnlral gen 0 Idle FfippiT --it 7 Ciile CuiN-r el lr (' IndiiNirlal 5 Tall A Itee Ca C'-ns-ile Ilf Md niia 8 -a C'li-nii Ai-n-r Sugar 8 Imiv-nt 7s I'u Itillilier Sh I -mil In Dev ili'li 7 Via I'riinelk'ii Sn 'imi-ral Eleitrii- deli (bi Geii'-ral EIm trie 3 endrii'li Ini lie A it A II Ainer Line (i I I iiinlije II It di4i 5VS II Sli'i-I deli 4'N inil Slei I 5 I'll Paper 5 Int Paper A 5 I nl Mer Mar 0 iiiilis IvnjKer 7 16206 TACOMA Wliitr 1 in te I wliiti 1 'llllT Wlirat No 1 lmril 1 soft I Vrl 1 red Xu Nu Xu TACOMA MARKET QUOTATIONS Hip following quotation! ant given bj Taco-vhulpMli'n as the price at which they fil to the retailers BUTTER EOOS AKD CHEESE ilullerfat 00c lb cub a 4afMa i il Wasuiugluu creamery prim fibu-too llicnc-liiock Snln 2e lb ckuiii brick 50c 111 Liniburgcr 34c lb Tillauiouk Washington cream 24(4 2 Zc lb Egg I' wees dux: pullet doz 504458c doz storage 3UJi 33c doz PRODUCE Bee! Hnincgruwn iitUQS auck Brussels -ju-niiia- liii: lb Carrot 4-i a-k CsVbugi i U- Cuulltluwcr doz Celery BUc I'unciM- Cucumiwr lioinegruwu liui- le dez lleiiey -New cniiib i iii iinluii California ack in-grim ii green doz bundle l'araiejr I 'ini' he Pepper laniiua bell 100 I'litaloea Vakfuia luu loeul Lettuce California erlc local 130 173 case 1 lb KatUahea jlumi-gruun 23c doz bundles Rutabagas I' lb Squash lloniegruwn llublnird 1C sweet peiatot'S 5k3c ll Tomatoc lnkiina $1 box FRESH FRUITS Apple Joualiiaua box: Yakiiua lielieuiu box biajrmaa Wmecapa lziu- box human Beauties box lot A cooking iibcluplZe box ilauuua Do IU i-iiiwmea bux Dale Duik lilu lb i'lcn -or lb package 50 box Jrioriila case Grape Malaga jrti irate Concord 4n: luiskei Lady Jrin-550 Emperor lug Cornichon --u rale Lemons il)iUiiU cam nraigea M6t-S cae Pear $lv- hox Prune id ne el Iiox POULTRY AHD RABBITS Cbiikcur lironera 11 lo i-uunda liuy Mia lb veiling wliolenale Kic lb oei old nuyiug lknLic lb veiling wholr-uae lac lb lieu heavy buying SO -zc lb selling holeaale SlMubbc lb iisi Uht buying HJiltic lb selling 1'bfe! rale lSUSSc lb Young uuylng ltsfi 22r lb selling wbolcvule UUUUSc lb Ueeve buying SUc lb: nclliug whole- tale Wltt3Sc lb Young bare buying 12c lb Mlllng wholesale- S36e-Sc lx till bar- buying 10c lb -elling wnuieaiue hml'xc ip Turkeys Buying 30fi35c lb -eliing whidcaale 4u4f4et: lb FISH AHD SHELL FISH Black bass 8c lb black cod or sable 7- lb Chinook salmon whits he red 15c lb flnnau uaddn 1M lb fioumler 4c lb halibut medium Sic lb halibut clilokon Hi lb: kippi-rcd salmon lic lb kip it rod black cod 17c lb ling cod 4c lb i snapper 7c lb: silver salniou Sc lb silver suielt 8c IK Shell fish Clama ii rrali doz Kastorn select Tutors $4 gallon Olympia oysters 550 gal-111: shrimp meat Sue IK shrlmpa 10c IK SUGAR Cane SS15 100-lb sack Beet 7B5 sack sack J04O cwt In S0-1K tx Powdered Standard cwt In 80-IK m'i Ainocat apccial 1023 cwu In S0-1K box FLOUR A liter Bur kwhent 10 lbL rye 7 bbl In when dtk) libl Graham iiwi bbl rye bbl: whole wln-ut -hi Aldako 770 bbl Blend 780 White bbl Mixccllaneoua 974 07 02'n J00 84 71'- HO'4 ju2 1 i 99 00 08 91 121 08 1104 02 77 07 80 8S 1074 1044 1 8316 i TO PKOFXT BT FBXSOB TKBX OKLAHOMA CITY Okla Nov For conviction a charge of stealing two bathtubs from a plumber here A Kessal will receive a one-dav irip to the state penitentiary at Ah-sir with all exp' nses and will come away from the prison with 5 and new suit the Plate gift to liberated 'nnvicts POTATO MAFUCZT CHICAGO Nov 15 Potatoes dull receipts 55 cars total shipments ('61 Wisconsin sucked and bulk round whites 85c cwt MinnesnLa sacked and bulk round whites 75 ii 85 cwt North Dakota suck'-d Red River Ohio Mjfrf 85 cwt South Dakota sacked and bulk round whites cwt Idaho sacked Russets Idaho bakers Russets sacked 175 cwt 51 on tana sacked Russets No 1 135 fi 140 cwt Nu No No No Corn uila 1 iianl in'i 1 Nor spring 1 Wi'kl I'll 1 2 li Emit 56 clip Il'k 40 of Iho grexu-r portion ot the lint today the lu-avim-gs of L'uitc-d States government bonds stood out in a conspicuous lushioii Declines running lroin two to 40 cents pur 100 bonds were noted with the first and second 4s and third 4Vs suffering the largest losses Several of the lov-i-ie-d railroad inorigagi-s also niiinifesi'-d weakness in t-y mpalliy with weiikiu-ss of certain railroad shares New Haven bs fell 2 Vs points Beabuard Line consolidated 6s ulso lost points and Chicago Alton 3s New York Westchester Dost on dropped 3V4 points The best show of strength was manifested by a broad list of ioreign bonds whieh have recently exhibited acute weakness llrazii 7s mounted four points iVjs three French ss two bs 2- and Tokyo Os llod-aux bs Lyons bs and Marseilles bs two to 2 points eaeli improvement or a point or more wore also registered by ('zuelio-Slovakia bs i'ragu-: as Jurgens bs United Kingdom ut 1937 li Igiun and Drazii bs Dutch I-mt Indies bs of 19b2 deinu 7 and Zurich bs Domestic issues winch wen- sought included Cerro de bs Jiruokiyn Rapid Transit ccriifieaio 7s i'ennsvl-vania general 4Vs Eric prior liens-is and Si Louis Sau Francisco income 6s and adjustment bs all of which unproved from two to three points iiuying today was largely induced by the realization that prices had been unduly depressed because of involuntary liquidation and professional selling and the list automatically derived strength from the rally in the stock market Total sales were 17369000 i WASHINGTON I) Nov Receipt of r061ti00 of tho account of tho United States government was reported today to Ihe treasury by the federal reserve Lank of New York Of the total 500(100110 represents interest on the war debt of Great Hriluin to this eounlry and 610000 represents interest on the debt representing the sale of silver to Fngland during tho war whieh is in the process of liquidation there being $61-000060 of this account sLill outstanding A similar payment of 50000000 on October 15 by Grent Hritafn makes a total of 1OO0OUOO0 paid as the first semi-annual installment of Interest on the war debt of nearly Ifioooouonoo but the two payments are subject to adjustment as the debt at present bears interest ot five per cent while the debt funding- act authorizes a rate of not less than four and one-quarter per cent The payment of 30000000 the treasury announced will he used to provide iri part for the 70000000 of interest due and payable on second liarli-y Barley Nu 2 Miilrun white 2000 2(Tk 700 10914 204 10Mtk BRAZIL BAS NEW PRESIDENT i lty Asi in Fre' RIO JANI-H Nov 1 5 Arthur (DaSilva Ileriuird' whs inauifurated president of lii-jzil today before th-jcliaml'Cr of d''Mitie The United States Arsentm i and Uruguay were re presented by battleships IYAFORATED FRUITS NEW YORK Nov Evaporated l-apples steady Brunes quiet Apri-cots steady Peaches slow Raisins steady LIVESTOCK NEW YORK CURB LIST (From Direct Incased Wire of Jordan Wentworth A Co 304 Bust Buildiugi Bonds 20 100 34 31 22-1 103 11 li 401 13 74 514 14 30U 17s 47 IMk Railroad Rumblings SUPREME COURT DECISIONS Last SAN FRANCISCO Nov eral State Livestock Market Livestock unchanged IliCAGc i N'uv iCnited State Depart- inent of Agrii Hoga: Kecclpta 28600 ncirkef atrungcr tu higiur bulk 150 to 209-1 pound butchers 210 to 940-pound liutehi-ra iiicnly s358 640' i good and chnK-e 275 to SoO-iwund Imtchers bi43ll50 top ss50 bulk packing sows 375DS desirable pig $8 40: heavy K2rgjrs50 niediun 83008 45 light light light 1 N8 254i 835 packing aewn mouth packing auws rough killing iilgs -'25 40 Cattle Ileceipt 16000: market alow low'i-grailea beef steera and butcher ane-rtocK ui-nk to lower lietter grailea beef tuckers and feeder steady little done early: run mnrrivlng highly finlahed long yearling held around 1323 Milk nnlive beef steers uf nun'- ity and eondltlaii to sell at S504i 1030 Me- 1 ern grasaers In fairly liberal supply i-anuirs iiisiut steady: Mill strung: eval culvo slow 1 luwer bulk veal calve early tn packer iroinnl 15 (Fed- i News) I All icil Packers A Ainer Tel A Tel 6 Anier Tel A Tel 0 1024 Anaconda Cupper 6s Anaconda CnpH-r 7s Anglo American Uil 7Vu Armour A Co 7s Beth Steel 7s J033 Copper Ex An 8s 1024 Cupper Ex Assn 1025 Galena Signal Oll 7s Grand Trunk C's Gnf Oil Co 7s littir Rapid Tran 7 iibliy McNeil A Libby 7 Sour Roebuck 7a 3-yr 1023 So West Tel 7s Standard Oil 1033 Standard Oil 7 1026 Industrials Acme Coal Co Acme Packing Co Co Car Light A Power 15 (Special) in the will ci Hester Russ ''-itiifuliy Uis- xprcs-dy provides that no bond shall required of the executrix the siipri me court today Tho decision reversed Judge King Dykeinan of King county wlifi upon pet it ton of issued an order requiring the executrir: to file a bond for faithful performance of her duties and to not remove any i property ot the estate from the state WASHINGTON Nov Freight loaded on American railroads for ili- week ending November 4 the car service bureau of the American Railroad Association reported toduy amounted to 994827 cars This whs a total greater than that carried in the same week of either 192V or 1921 During the same week on November 1 the railroads had 249960 cars on their lines awaiting repairs a number smaller than at any time since last March 28 NEW YORK Nov 15 Dissolution of the Association of Railway Executives and its reorganization as two units an Eastern and a Western appeared probable today after a meeting of a special committee chosen to natc a successor to the late Chairman Dewitt Cuylcr initial Centra! Inspiration Copper Inter Agr Corn pfd Int Combust Engrg Inter Harvester Inter Merc Marine do preferred Intcraat Nickel do preferred Inter Paper Invincible Oil Iron Product lUO-l I Jewel Tea lU0a June Bros Tea 10214 Khuks Clly South 102 1 du preferred 104V Julius Knyscr 1021 Kelly Springfield 101 Kennccott 1034 i Keystone Tire 1U3 I 8 Krcg! l'13Va lju-ka wanna Steel 1031 I Igu-lede Ga OJ I-e Tire la-hieh Valiev I-inui Ijocmnotlve Ih-w Im- iSVr Lirilluril 10V luis A Nash Mack Truck Magma Cnpiier II It Maliniuui Manhattan Slirt Mnrland Oll Maxwell A 1 Maxwell May Dept Store Mexican Petroleum Mexican Miami MKbll State Oil Midvale Steel A Onl Muon Motor Mi'tlierbalc Coalition Mis Kun A Tcxur do preferred Missouri Pucific I do pn-fem-d Montana Power Montgomery Ward National Biscuit National Enamel Notional I-ud I Nevada t'oiis 1 New Orb-an A 54 I Air Brake Air Brake Central Bock New Ha veu Norfolk A Western North American do preferred Northern Pacific Orpheum Circuit Ill 4 Owena Bottle Pm: Gaa A KEIec Pacific OU Pan American Pet I Pan American Pel 1 Pennsylvania Peoples I la I'ere Mnraiiette 0-16 8 3i J10V4 2T 97 4'i lsis 19 a SO 30 Milk goi-d liraty bulk tnrker and fw-di-n Kr7 Hlirsp Itecslpt 18009: fairly arrive faf Ininha opening steady early lop 1473 to elljr 1 l-ntehera 1450 to packers: iiM-ral supply feeder demand good ftmr fluiilibs 37-pouinI Montana fei-ding 1 ii'lis 14 I Sort 62-poiind Iiialio lambs 1373 eholec 85-pounrt red yearl Ing wetlier 13 sheep strung tor Cattle: Xom- inkle ''teduy "included the following: I Guarani red Machine Company Soul I flog steady bark 10 975 top r-celpt He capital slock 19009 Winslow 40 prime llulit 973 I Jones ulid Will Orth Lam: 25- higher: receipt 240 vid- lint Works Seattle cap of iiMMsut In cnon jn lock lOiley 1(1504712 SEATTLE 13 Cnttle Steady re- eelpta 53 prl'-e um-linnged Hogs Steady revel 108 prices un- IningeU OLYMl'lA Nov 15 i Special) rirabK-'l4' Articles of incorporation Mod in the uesiraiK no- (iflico of secretary of Stale Grant ded tiie following: Muv v-rlove Fred i Nicholson ami L-on'u Iiice gpoknnc-Shelby Oil Company Spo- i kano capital s-toek Filed by David Herman t-pokano iiiii' t'u eel Iv'-lly Sj'i'lngfii'lil Lak Steel 5 Liggett Myi-rx lsirlllanl 5s Mngnia 7 Mini S11 deli elfs Marland oil itfs M'Xlenu I'et 8s Mlihale steel elt Ml Steel 7j 1 II 0c Steel I'uekard Muter 8s Fan Ainer 1' ft n-f 6s Fierce f)Il 8s Fuiila Allegri- Sug cy deb 7a ft lief urn! ft Her ref 8 Keiiiliiglini Arm 1st 6s Rug Brnwn I mu 7 Saks ft 7s Sinelnlr Cnnii- Oi! 5j Slin-lnlr f'l-iiile (li 7 Sinclair l'ljic Um- 5s Sluiruii steel Hunji 8 Fnrt Klin Sugar 7s St Mini Milling 5 Stnmlard Oil fnl deb 7a Tuliaceu Prod 7 I'liinn 11 ft elfs li I'lilted Drug 8 I' rl ft mil 5s Kul'lier 7h I' RiiMer 5s Steel sf 5 Steel li Vu Cliem 5 Va f'aru Cliein Us i Va Caro ('liem A 7 Va Caro Cliem A 7 ij Wnnier Sng ref 7s 0Vi Wlneliesier Arm llsuu ft l'u Jt Wilson ft Co cvi Wilson ft Co 7 '4 NEW YORK Nov 15 The Standard Oil Company of New Jersey today declared regular quarterly dividends of 8125 on common stock and 175 nil 'Preferred stock payable December stock on stock recorded ns of November 25 Distributions of the recent stock dividend of 300 per cent was made on COFFXB FUTURES NEW YORK Nov 13 The ninrkf-t for coffee futures was qiiiet and trail today The Hose wns I to 3 points higher Sales were estimated at 21rO0 hags including exchanges of December for later deli- -Ties Dm-ember January n-19 March 92!) May 907 July SS2 September S42 Spot coffee quiet Rin 7s 101 to 10-74 Santos 4s 15 to 154 a basis of four shares of new common for each 25 share of par common now outstanding GRAIN QUOTATIONS 88 i 102' 0114 100-T IIK) 4 FOREIGN EXCHANGE Foreign exchange irregular: Gtrt Britain demand? 446 1-2 60-day bills on banks 443 15-16 Franco demand' 663 1-2 cables 664 Italy demand I SEATTLE Nov 15 Wheat: Hard while 126 soft while western white 1 :23 hard vd winter soft winter 1047 limit 11(37 1023 1024 1017 1W7 1IM I NEW YOBX COTTON FUTURES (Prniii nirert I-rlvHf- O-iihiiI Win- or Jnnliin Wintw-nrth A 304 Jlunt NATAL STORES SAVANNAH Ga Nov tine- firm 149: pales 499: receipts 497: ebipments 6 stock 11626 Rosin dull no sales receipts 1676: shipments 321: stock 98398 Quote: Ii 535: 550 31 565 5-80 VG 600: WW 650 ft High 2607 2607 25SN 2550 Ijw 2324 2128 2525 2490 Flose 2603-07 2600-03 2585-87 2547-50 1 Jan March May July 77 Oct Open 2330 25 39 2535 249 I 23R7 2560 333c Ainucat liani wlieui U'l bbl: Drfieil Know I 7W) Gold M'-iial S70 bid Occident Continental Motors Mu Olympic 760 bbl Pyramid 746 Gli-11 Ald-ii Coal '-I lb 1 -1 1 Ibiil nnnl wliest -ui Truck A Motor i Special 726 Mil Philip Murri FRESH SALT AND SMOKED HEATS lludio Corji torn Fn-v-h Breaker 2Uc IK comblna- 1 niU-d ItetslI Store Candy iin IK cows lie IK: ewes Mining Alaska British Col Met Big l-edge 1 Boston A Montana I'amU-lurm Silver Crenion Cona Min Divide Extension Kl Salvador Mir Croeau Co Gold Zone Divide Hartnill Dlvbb- Min Ji-piim- Venb- Coppi-r Knox Divide Mine McNamara Mine I McKinley Darragh National Tin A Nevada Ophir NIplKKing Mine Ilex Couanl Mated Tmouih Eastern Mine Ilecln Con Mex Eagle Now Inline Cop Oils Allied Oil Anglo Aun-r Oil Arkansas Natural Gax Boone oil Boston Wyoming Cariii 8yiidlcute Cities Service com Cities Service It Share Creole Syndics te Cushing Petroleum Elk Banin Petroleum Engineers Petroleum i Federal Oil Gilliland Oil Gb-nph-k nil Hudson Oil bitornnllnnnl Petroleum Marai-nilm Oil Mi-viio nil Oil Si Gas com Onnir Oil A Gas I'l-i-dii-cr Befiuerx Ib fining slmms PeiP'l-iim l-et A B- Corp Standard mi Indiana Tcx'n oil A land Vlitoria nil Merrill oil Mtn Prod I Sli-II I nion Railroads MACADAM BASE Dec 1 i IMIO 1IHXI liHHl 19690 102IHI 131111 -1IMMI 110(1 4JNNI MMI 10609 611 DNI mm 79 19S 81 47 86 187 47 91 30 40' 42 IL 2K 4' 7Ni 18 36 1 Hll'ii 45 'i 851 4iltj 99 29 30 41 1(1 21 4 'a Ui-r Decignber 12u i Oats 38-pouml 1 Hturuls Novemis-r December 3600 barley 4 4 -pound minimum November December 3400 '40-pwiind minimum Nov inber i-c-m-Li-r 3350 Corn Xu 2 yellow ship-ent November 3175 licrcm'nor 3359 Mill run November 3050: December 3100 SAN FRANGISOO Nov 15 Receipts Flour 3645 quarters wnent I S5A 2650 centals barley 12272 centals 1 7: 19 31! '-i 80 40 Sal 85 ti 47 Id 30 49 41 10 27 1 4 METAL MARKET NEW YORK Nov 15 steady electrolytic spot nd futures 13T4i14 Tin firm spot mid nearby 3712 futures 3725 Iron steady un-j clinnged I end steady spot 72071' iJe Zinc firm East St Lmiis spot and nearby delivery 735 Antimony spot 675 Vnuer unrest Bait ft (lido 6s Balt ft Oil in 4 I Butt ft Olilu Swn Dv 3Vja TBANCISCO MARKETS I Balt ft Ohio -vt 4ti 7 SAN FRANCISCO Nov IS (State! Balt ft oiiiu IMe ft tVvrt Division of Markets) IVntitry un- Blt Ti Cn 4 changed Grapes crates 125 150 penc-hes 854'123 strawberries crate I Roans pound 7''(il7: cabbages pound IW2 potatoes cwt peaa Ppimd: green onions lug l5-10 spinach pound JS turnips sack 11150 J'rk Un 1st I Can Xr lty 7 Can 4 'Central lty Brazil 7s 'cent I'm- 1st n-f 4 1 Cent of (in lty Cn II CIm-h ft Ohio evt 3s Che ft (Olio rvt 4s Chi ft Alton 3j ft (J gen -Is II ft ref 5 I "A well-constructed foundation -t this son (macadam) has all tii--1 flexible qualities of a bituminous cvn- cretc base yrul is advocated as ai alternative for the prevailing concrete The foregoing is an extract from tiie 3 11 J9 85 I l-liilaili'li'lilu rhilll I VI rut Arrow lu irefi-m-il I 4'i I'leri-e Oil corn 150 centsls potatoes 5518 sue' onions 88 sacks hay fid ions ucks hides SUGAR MAEKBTS YORK Nov 15 Raw sugar letter of an eminent engineer that rf' beared in the Engineering New Record These conclusions by Record These conclusions by emiii'' NEW 1 eentrifu 110 10 21:6 1 22 i al 553 Refined granulated b' A NCI SCO Nov 15 Cnlilor-! nia-lfawuiian raw sugar 053 road engineers art only coiTolwraliuijs ijf ihe experiences gained in hundrvufi of towns and cities throughout t'! past nineteen years on over £20000f'' square yurds of on compressed stone Ad-I vertisement 1 7 12 116 53 LONDON MONEY LONDON Nov 15 Bar silver 32 per ounce Money 2 per cent Discount rates: Short and three months' bills 22 11-16 per cent I 1 NEW YORK MONEY Call money steailr high 3: low ruling rate 5 Closing a 5 offered at 5 last loan 3 cnll biaii against acceptances 414 i-r eiit Time lean firm mixed collateral (10-90 days 0: four aiV innntliN 3 prime coiiimcrrlnl pax-r 4 per cent Union nu of Bel U11 luu Pncific Drug 1'nlted Krnil R-liill Store Iron Pipe Pond Indiist Ab-olml Realty 8 Riiiiler preferred 8 Smelling dn preferred Steel dn preferred 16-- 11 2516 numbers lemons mid oranges l)ucs livestock 450 head H-tv and grain unchanged MINNHADOLIS Nov 15 Barley 63 Flax No 2 251 (ft 253 Duluth nov closing cash prices: Flax November 246 asked December 239 bid May 234 i CHICAGO Nov 15 Wheat No 3 I red 127: No 2 hard 120 Corn No 2 mixed 72 72 No 2 yellow 72fc I fi 73 Oats No 2 white 44ft'lo No I 3 white 43H4 Kye Nu 2 88 I Harley 62 (ft 69 Timothy seed 6004i 675 Clover seed 15 504720 50 Fork nominal Lard 1125 Ribs 1075f i 1200 KANSAS CITY Nov 15 Cash wheat No 2 hard 1164f'120: No 2 red 118W120 Corn No 3 white 73 I to 73 2 yellow LIVERPOOL Nov 15 Wheat: Close unchanged to higher Dec 1 10s 5zd March 9s lOUd May 9s I 7d BUENOS AIRES Nov 15 Opening Wheat December 116 up Febru-I 901) I I (J ft I 3s Clil Or Western 4 Chi Mil ft St c-rt 4 Chi MU ft Kt rfg A 4' Chi Mil ft St evt 3s Chi Mil ft St 4 It I ft ref 4s ft Kt A 0s Chicago Ity gen Ss Chicago Union SIR 4'ji Clove Union Ter 3s 18-1 ft Hudwin 7 llenvcr ft lt! Grande ref 3s Brio prior lien 4 Krle gen lien 4 Krh- evt 4 Krle evt 4 ll Krle evt 4 A (rranil Trunk nf Canada 7 (rand Trunk nf Canada Great Northern 7a Great Northern 5a Cr Bay deb Hnd ft ref A's 5s Huil ft adj ln- 5s Illinois Central Lv 5a I Inter boro Mer 4 Inter evt 7s Inter It ref I'k et 5 Inter II r-r 5 Inter Gt Northern adj 0 Iowa Central ref 4s i Kan City Kt ft 4 Man Jty rmis 4 Market St Ity eon 5 Market St Ity con ti Minn St List ref 4 Minn St ft 6 a Mo Kail ft Texas 4a Mo Knn ft T-xa 1st 4 Kan ft Tex (- Mu Knn ft Texas dj Sa Mlssenr! Pne 6 Missouri Pne gen 4 Central deb 0b NY ft 4a ft 5 Investment Securities Bonds Acceptances Com ercial Paper Safety of Principal do preferred Finely Whorly Flit 4Y Vn I 'uni Fustiim Cerent I'ruilueer 3c Iieflners Serr of I I 'ii II 111:1 I '11 lit a Alleitre Sugar I'm-- oil ltiiibrav Steel Spring Kuy K'-siding Co 6" 1st on fi-rn-d 1 Yya-rtr Steel I run Jc Steel It Iti-y nulil Royal imu-li St Luiiis 4c rin preferred 1 St Dull tc IT do preferred I Sears Rnebuck s-iieca Copper 1 Shell Tran Slu-il I I do iirefrrred Sk'-lly Oil Slnse Sheffield Sunt liem I'aHfle Suuthem Bailway do preferred Standard Oil of Calif 1 Standard Oil of I dn preferred Stewart Warner Stronil'erg Carli Sliidt-l-aker I'urp Texas ny Texas Gulf Sulphur Tex rn- on Texas Fae Railway Tidinstcr oil Tj'uni-o Troducts Totmceu Products A Transcontlm-utul Oil Kar 3 33 03 31 f-rst inert cage bond on real property having an appraised ili-- of three limes the iininuiu of the loan has always been 1 j-r-d We i-oiisidvr i tax exempt bond selling to ed 2'i'' and seviiitd by tax lin on income ipra'sed it ovr-r time tinies the amount of safer tluiii a first ncrigagu Utah Copper Caro Client I Vanadium Steel Virginia 9 pi i 75 32 6 40 11A 88 85 107 85 97 9 110 108 91 4fi 81t 82 70 70 80 TUN Of) vati ST Nuv 15 Preliminary 3 "Tganization of the Minnesota Wool Marketing Association uigned to handle more than loonOfKi noiiiid- of wool for Minnesota farmers 'ii a pool basis was completed here today Final organization will he di8-a meeting in January 92 -8sed at 1 deb 6 1946 Uy ref tr cn cf 4a 1942 Ity adj tr cf 5 1043 We ft 4a 1141 ft It It evt li 1920 ft 11 enn 4 1991! ft dlv 4 1044 Northern Pacific 11 (la 2047 Northern Pac prior lien 4a 1097 Northern Pac ref ft Imp Ba 2047 Pari Lyona ft Med 6a 1058 Pennsylvania 7s 1930 Pennsylvania euld 6s 1930 Pennsylvania gen 4a 1965 Philippine Ry 4a 1937 Reading gen 4 1907 St II ft Ry 4a 1920 St I ft 4 1936 St Lout ft prior lion A 4a 1050 St ft 5 1950 St ft gen 0 1P28 St Louis ft con 4a 1932 SAL ref 4s 1959 SAL adj us 1 949 A fi 1945 Southern Paelfle ert 4s 1929 southern Paelfle rfg 4s 1055 Southern Railway gen 4a -n-ntljern Railway 6a lPW Third Ae rf 4 0fiu Third Are adj 5 lPrtO Union ra-tfir 1st 4a 1947 Virginia Railway 3a 1952 wefern Maryland 4a 19--2 Weat Shore 4a Wcat Pac 5s 19 (f Details Upon Request Bond Department 41 00 22 61 120 199 D7 8 3fl4 94 Vt 32 09 0i 41 un 23 62 P700 1214 119 18960 202 300 11 a 36(1 5514 200 S0 31600 1 244 17300 47 20400 62 eOOU 20 Vj (KK) non 60(1 17569 209 22o 100 0300 0500 199 8 33 31 08 9 80 22 61 196 117 S3 49 122 40 58 10 BOND GOODWIN TUCKER Incorporated 515 Tacoma Bld Tacoma Wabash Wabash A Wabash Mtiitii Marjlnnd Western rifle do preferred Western Union West Air Brake West FIec ft ilfg--- White Eagle White Motor White Oll 1 trick wire Spenc Stl Willy Overland dn preferred Wilson Co tv Wnolworth Worthington Pump Total of atw-k Puget STa fBt frost 800 1094 109 2(81 95 1 30 47 r4 10 39 37 2300 3(81 I50O 27(H 1300 1000 2(81 Wl 5M 30 47i 54 9 5 3P 30 1(H 95 38 30 41 30 30 200 31 Found flank Hampantf 1115 Pacific Ave 23 181 50 78 12 207 31 53 30 1237a 46 57 19 21 131 SO 7Va 13 rri Main 615 Ground Floor 2400 234 non 131 2500 31 1 000 7S floo 13 209 C7U Tel Main 7867 600 20 400 81 1190300 96 I 08 81 I 88 SZZiYZB MARKET NEW YORK Nov 15 Foreign bar silver 64 Mexican dollars 49 shares.
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