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- The Miami Heraldi
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TUESDAY A'bGUST 9 1932 HERALD TELEPHONE 27401 THE HERALD MIAMI FLORIDA' HERALD TELEPHONE 27401 PAGE SIX -0 a NEW YORK BONDS NEW YORK STOCK QUOTATIONS WHEAT GOES SKYWARD WITH ACTIVE TRADING With the PONIES SECURITY MARKETS REFUSE TO SWERVE EST THE ASSOCIATED FRCSS' RESULTS ENTRIES Largest Speculative Purchase Movement In Recent Months Witnessed In Chicago fay THE ASSOCIATED PRESS CHICAGO Aug 8--Wheat values went skyward by leaps and bounds today in the largest speculative purchase movement witnessed in months Jumps of wheat prices accompanied sensational advances of stocks Wheat closed strong at the day's renith 134-17a above Saturdays finish corn 34-15a up Oats advanced and Provisions showing a rise of 18 to 25 cents Corn and oats responded to hog market upturns Open High Low Close Sept old 14'e 58 5378 86 Sept new 84s 56 57'4 56 December 57a 591 57 5931a May 633a 61'41 63s Turnover 'of 5511380 Shares Largest Since October 1930 Sends Shares Upward MY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS' NEW YORK Aug markets refused to swerve from recently charted courses today Stocks far from intimidated by last Vreit's record stormed upward in a turnover of 6544380 shares the largest since October 1930 when the market was taking the opposite direction Cotton rallied more than $5 a bale In the last hour when stocks were faltering under profit taking Shares closed well under their but net gains of many leaders ranged from 1 to 6 points Cotton fell back from its top holding more than is a bale of Its extreme rise Packard MO 570 Sue 3 3 'vs A NI Pan-Am (1) 1 1114 1114 1114 Panband 4 148 118 A 44 Panhandle of 10 9 9 9 DI Param Pub Ilk 203 6 44k 434 14 Park 2 434 442 438 A 44 Park Utah 5 I 8 I Parmelee Trans 1 34 34 34 A 14 Pathe Each 9 1 8 Pathe Exch 12 314 3 3 la Atin 12 634 51'4 5114 34 Peerless Mot (4g) I 118 l'a A 14 Penick Ed (I) 12 2418 231a 2443 A134 Pen 4J C) 4240) 218 213-4 18s 2034 Alla Penn-Dix Cam I 144 142 114 A 48 Penn 367 1734 134 1494 Al peop Lk() (5) 30 74'4 694 73 A314 Pere Mara of Inn 734 734 73f4 A2 Pere or of 230 91a 818 91i A 14 Petro Corp 71 638 614 644 A Phelps Dodge 68 ra 7 48 Is 14ui1 a Co 6of(3) 11 304 30 30 PlWa I 49 438 374 4 3'8 Philip Morris (1) 7 1018 10 10 4 Phillips Pet 179 714 61'4 64 A 14 Pierce Oil 6 18 38 34 Pierce Oil of 3 818 848 844 Pierce Pet 2 114 114 144 Pills El (120) 16 1648 144'4 16 Al Pitt Va 4 12 10 12 Al Pitt Coal 3 6 6 6 A va Pitt Coal 1 11'8 114 144 A 84 Pitt trnitcd of 680 338 301s 33 0144 Poor Co 4 44 434 434 Porto Am A I 314 34 348 13 NI Porto Am 2 114 11k 112 Postal of 12 634 6'4 6318 Prim' Pine 2 1114 1034 1016 '74 Presed Sti Car 3 214 2 2 Proc Gam (2) 42 33 3014 3114 Al' Prod Ar Ref 6 44 14 14 131 Pub 8 (3 20) 274 471a 421'4 4514 Al Pub 8 N16c1-olt6) 1 941a 9414 94'a A 44 Pullman (3) 113 We 1974 Int DI Pure Oil 61 534 54 514 Purity Bak 98 1334 914 98'- A 14 Radio 859 838 714 738 4 Radio of 94 13 11 12 Radio of 4 2914 29 2914 Radio-Keith-0 23 434 434 434 A 44 RR Sec III CStit 60 614 1 81k 848 Rayb-Man (60) 14 7-44 718 718 A 14 Reading Co lie) 8 31 20 31 A434 Read 2 of (2) I 25 25 25 D5 Res! Silk 45 614 514 54 A 34 Real Silk of 30 1818 1814 181-4 A21k Reis I of 10 41a 414 414 A234 Rem Rand 151 334 234 334 A 42 Reo Mot 46 28 2'4 28 A 5a Repub St1 157 7 614 A 111 Rep St' cv of 7 15'8 148 15 34 Reynolds 20 8 714 8 A 1s Rey Tob (3) 229 35 3348 3414 A 34 Rich Oil Cal 13 34 Is i4 A 48 Rio Oran Oil 14 3 3 3 Ritter Dent 1 8 8 8 ilit FVoal 1 Ti': l'ili' Pitt United Pt 680 3334 3032 33 Al14 Poor Co 4 4 434 434 Porto Am A I 3'4 334 214 to Porto Am 2 114 114 134 Postal 0 Of 12 634 6-4 832 34 Prair Pipe 2 1134 1034 1034 1 4 Presed St1 Car 3 274 2 2 32 Proc Gem (2) 42 33 3014 3174 A11 1 4 Prod gr Ref 6 34 14 14 r) 333 Pub 8 (320) 274 4712 4214 4514 A2 Pub 8 N1631-o161 I 944 9412 94'4 A 74 Pullman (3) 115 2134 197 4 1934 DI Pure Oil 61 534 54 572 Purity Bak (1) 98 1334 914 9'2 A 1 "4 Radio 659 92s a14 a3i 2914 29 2914 S's Radio of 94 13 11 12 Radi of 4 Radio-Keith-0 23 4311 4-4 434 A 14 Sec III CStit 60 814 1 834 814 RaYb-Man (60) 14 734 734 714 A 3-4 Reading Co (11) 8 31 Sr 31 A434 2 of (2) I 25 25 25 D5 Rel! Silk 45 6V11 512 87' 3 A '8 Real Silk of 30 182 1312 1834 A214 Reis 1 Of 10 414 434 434 A234 Rem Rand 151 23 234 235 A :3 Reo Mot 46 234 21-'4 2'4 A 4 Repub SD 157 7 614 634 A 81 Rep St' cv of 27 1574 1412 15 34 Reynolds (1) 20 8 714 8 A 7s Rey Tob (3) 229 35 3331 3414 A 34 Rich Oil Cal 13 34 2 3 4 A lei Rio Oran Oil 14 3 3 3 Ritter Dent 1 8 8 8 NEW YORK Aug ft-Following are tOdaY113 high iow aim closms prices of bonus on the New lurk Etoeg Exchange and the total sales of each bond: tiOvERNMENT BONDS (Dollars and 1Inirtg-seconos) (Salts in 8100oi Higil Low Close Lib 314s 32-41 101 1013 101 101 Lib 1st 446 32-47 21 10124 10120 lui22 Lrb 4tri 4145 33-38 305 103 10238 103j0 Lib 4t11 414s reit J3-38 1 1042 10225 10235 Tress 4145 47-54 94 1078 107 1076 Tress 45 44-54 41 1046 104 1046 Tress 3s 46-56 26 1026 1022 1022 rreea4s 3383 440314437 1unee 17047 ILI 1 1Ereas 312s 41-43 Mch 1313 1005 100 1005 Tress 31as 46-49 390 984 04 084 1 Trees 35 51-55 273 914 9830 972 3124 41-43 Mch re 2 9930 9830 9230 cotteoxit nos tioNos Alleghang bs 44 88 1712 15 17 Aliesnang bs 49 16 15 14 15 Ain tor Is 2030 43 311112 3o14 334 Am I Ch 51125 49 3 72 72 72 Arn Internat'l bls 49 4 73V4 1314 7314 Am Metal 5123 j4 12 134 141 1112 Am Smelting 55 3 8612 85 8612 An Sus Ref 6s 37 9 108 10212 10212 Am Tel 'fel 55 43: 45 10414 10415 10471 Am 53 80 79 99 9812 9832 Am 5s 85 62 9834 98 98 Am cvt 4s 39 20 10312 10212 103 Am 55 34 3 88 88 88 Arm Co Del 5112s 43 147 7012 88 70 cvt 414s 48 5 84 84 85 gen 4s 65 40 89 8812 89 A Line lot 45 84 25 7414 '14 74 Balt 0 rtg 6s 95 12 49 48 48 Bait 0 rta 55 95 49 4312 3934 42 13alt 0 41125 33 123 5912 5612 5812 Bait 0 evt 4155 60 278 32 29 319 Bell TPa ba 60 7 103 10234 103 Beth Bteel 5s 38 1 93(4 93(a 9312 Bklyn Man Trs 6 68 54 8412 8312 84 But Gen Elec 4'vs 81B 14 97 97 97 But Ro 4143 57 12 4112 3814 4112 Can Nat RY 412s 51 17 8412 8312 841a Can Nat fly 4155 57 3 113-12 823 8312 Can Pac 41a8 60 31 75 75 75 Can Pac deb 4s Dem 26 66 806 66 Cent IU 58 51 13 87 65112 66 Cent Pac 1st gtd 4s 49 1 7614 7614 7014 Certain-teed 515s 48 55 30 27 2912 Chesapeake Corp 55 47 209 52 48 52 Ches Oh gen 4158 92 2 91 9034 9034 412s 77 2 83 82 83 Chi Ill Is 63 1314 1214 13 Chic Gt West 4s 59 22 43512 4114 4354 CMS 5575 123 25 2312 2412 adi 55 2000 243 8 6'4 714 cv 4as 49 327 21 1812 19(5 CVI 4145 60 102 1812 17 18112 46 34 151 36 33 35 Chile Con Is 47 52 4514 4414 4514 Cinn 45 68 18 9212 9112 9215 Cleve Tin Trm 412s 77 21 70112 6412 7014 Colon Oil 65 38 4 55 55 55 Col 5s 52 Mag 5 7814 77141 7714 Corn In Tr 51as 49- 2 4 93 92 9214 Con Gas 5125 45 37 103 102 10212 Con Gas 4125 51 46 9134 90 91312 Cuba North RYS 5V2S 42 6 2212 2212 2214 Del Bud rfir 45 43 13 82 80 8175 con 4s 36 11 43 43 43 Dot Ed 55 49 A 1 99 9934 9934 Det Ed 41as 61 12 55 90 8912 9012 Dodge Bros deb 6s 40 22 86 8412 8512 Duquesne Lt 412s 67 A 18 9712 9712 97 Erie rt Imp 5s 47 67 25 2312 24 Erie eon lien 4s 94 11 4514 44512 4512 Gen Am 1pvest Is 52 6 75 751a 544 Gen Cable 51as 47 1 50 50 50 Gen Mot Ac 65 37 4 103 10214 10212 Gen SO Cast 5125 40 1 5514 5515 5512 Gen Thee Eci es 40 23 314 3 3 Goodrich 6125 47 1 73 73 73 Ufli ill 58 51 63 1334 1214 Chic Gt West 48 59 22 4354 4132 43 CM SP 6875 123 25 '2332 2414 aell 68 20110 243 8 614 714 cy 434s 49 327 21 1814 1914 cvt 414s 60 102 184 17 18 rig 46 34 151 36 33 35 Chile Con 5s 47 52 45 4414 4514 Cinn 48 68 18 92 9154 9214 Cleve Tin Trm 4326 77 21 7034 6432 7014 Colon Oil es 38 4 55 55 55 Col 5s 52 May 5 7814 77 7714 Corn In Tr 5128 49 4 93 92 9234 Con Gas 538 45 37 103 102 102 Con Gas 4112s 51 48 91 90 9134 Cuba North RyS 51is 42 6 22 22 2214' Del Bud rig 4s 43 13 82 80 RI con 4s 36 11 43 43 43 Dot Ed 58 49 A 1 99 9934 991 Det Ed 4128 61 55 90 8914 901-a Dodge Bros deb 6s 40 22 86 84 851 Duquesne Lt 4148 67 A 18 9734 97 9738 Erie rt Imp 5s 57 67 25 2314 24 Erie eon lien 4s 96 11 4512 4458 45 Gen Am Invest Zs 52 6 758 751 75 Gen Cable 548 47 1 50 50 50 Gen Mot Ao es 37 4 103 10214 10212 Gen Sti Cast 514s 49 1 5514 5534 5512 Gen Thee Eq es 40 23 3 3 3 Goodrich 11 6s 47 1 3 73 73 FORT ERIE I HA1VTHORNE FIRST-0 furlongs! FIRST-Claiming 2-year-olds 54 fur Toe Dance (Hoffman) 700 460 350 longs Jean O'Doon (Sage) 910 520 Dupee 112'Cara Domus 1091 Sun Man (McKenzie) 450 Lillian 111x8abee 104 Time 1:16 4-5 Master Bobbie Tabson Asia 114'Aviary 109 Banta Crest Carry (louder liebble also giledVamn 101 Sack Kick 112 ran Mee Sparkling 109 LO ne Vele li 111 SECOND-6 furlongs: Sandro 112 xMintosee 113 Reee Twig (Craver) 5165 2665 1080 Dr Jillson 114 lying Pilgrim 112 Just Imagine (Ilabson) 895 545 )(131sze Or lei Bianoz 112 Bayfire (Burns) 8:78 gSweet Peach 104zindian Boy 101 'lime 1116 1-5 En Avant Chason Belle SECONO-Claimilia: 4-year-olds and uo Infinitive Larry Damm Snitch Caryidon 814 "'Ionia Common Southland Lad Pink Bunting also Ervast IllusaykPsa la xxSatzee 1181x5fiss Perfection 1oR ran )(Knockabout 1 THIRD-51i furlongs! )(Lawyer Ill' Tarpon 114 WestYs Twinkle ()ougherty)5345 2421 1265 113'0r Higbee 113 Elag View (Curran) gP(i a Sexton on rie 18:10 1290 113 Danger Zone (0'MalleY): 1033 glligh Foot 113 Kingsalort 113 Time Attribute Bust Ike Morlove 113 Patenouli Aleeta All A Forlorn Nuns Way 11313rd of Prev 118 Sinner Prince Westend also ran xSt Jim 113' xclunfire 113 FOURTH-1 I-16 miles: THIRD--Clauning: 2-Year-olds 514 fur- Spey Crest (Curran) 1075 615 340 Veruzza 109' xtmcille lo4 Lindsay 4 loden) 9:40 390 xSergeant Hill 1011xSarsita 109 Quatra Bras (Mann) 260 Volwood 114 sllutua 111 Time 1:48 2-5 Gay Parisian Spearhead Plav Baby tn ge II oA tss le os 7 in 171 rn- 1 Knight 109 also ran Ondott 112 Pierre Pan 112 FIFTH-Mile! Stroll Along 112' Salta 112 Deddie (Dougherty) 645 310 325 Hasty Peter 1m Get Ready 112 Broadway Lights (0'aIleY) 370 310 gSlanned 107'111th Explosive -109 Princely Attention (nrow 1 360 Pia vlex 109' Old Jud'ze 112 Time 139 2-5 Happen Top Hattie Bush- FOURTH-Claiming 3-year-olds and up 111 61 GxldmP risti uan man also ran I 1-16 miles: SIXTH-Mile and 70 yards! Suneros 108 Lommern (Thomas) 5445 1510 485 LitEeria 106 The Doctor (Mattioll) 6 30 320 Crushed atone Knight cog Batty (Pendergrass) 340 Chehalis III EASY 105 Time 145 2-5 AlbaganO Huraway Son Ancoda Ili' Adsum 1013 Gills Schooner also ran gJust Ormont Am! Star log SEVENTH-1 1-16 maul: Dr Parrish 111 liettera 710 460 345 a 105 Sun Craig (Bermis) 106 Tout out (0-Malley) 11 '50 640 X11 101i xfirvolit 106 Brilliante (Gray nchson) 610 vnm Mad Wind Time 1-46 4-5 Bra Big Largo Fair- ti IN4' 111 lRan Tier' 1in? n' dale Ormonbird Playabit Boboy Powers Your Flag Satin Eagle Local's: also ran in7 seven Veils 95 arici up 1105 a I1egtir i Ti Tonkel 103 HAWTHORNE a-E Bradley entry FIRST-51a (i tongs SIXTH--Claiming: 3-year-olds and up Sir Anthony (IVIcDermatt) -3158 40:18 930 11s miles Little Genie (Wright) 152 828 )(Inheritor 1111Matadi IM Ho (L ur Zey ewis) 228 gOabbo III'Come On 113 Time 1:08 4-9 Anna Adelia Alma xGarlic 1 Carna Bonnie Cap itHOPY koyage Chat Curmudgeon 101 Culloden III Eagle Upon Moile Gertrude also ran Tony Joe 1131 SECON-1P2 furlongs: SEVENTH-Claiming: 4-year-olds and un: Don Momiro (Lewis) 6 20 500 318 1 3-16 miles: oY837 ivin lI 118 Try Some (Allen) 2124 1228 SA1111911 PM More Power 112 French Honey (Fisher) 468 xEd Lark 107' gA Ito 101 Time 1:19 2-5 Sophist Predict Oh Dave Quibbler 112 xSeth's Ballot I07 Judge Primrose Switch Happy Fellow ISM sHigh Storm 1071 Arcturus 112 Play Ante Altmark also ran xBig Gun 107- Mole Hill 112 THIRD-5 kg furlongs: Limbus 115' Suitor 115 Miss Melody (Critchfield) IMO 316 250 Spud 112 )(Our Pal 101 Tabaku (Moran) 428 322 xPlutarcia 107 morocco 112 Jessie Dear (Ellsworth) 2:26 Garrick -112 gChip a 107 Time 1:01 2-5: Gay Heart Missie Four EIGHTH-Claiming 3-year-olds nte Up Pence Princess Val Copley Square Bright 1 1-16 miles: Shadow also ran xChum IOW xChist ClualenserloS 3'OURTH-1 1-16 miles: )(Moderation 106 Kensngton 101 Whippercracker (Salazar)1406 986 626 Modern Times 106 xBalderdash 101 Uncommon Gold (Richard) 812 t28 Blameless 1011Clasby's Choice 104 Tea (Lane) :28 Result 111111-itrum ecarum :101 Time 1:46 3-5 Martie Flynn Jean a- liaDDY Play 1011! Tommy Tickle 115 Fitte Mad Career William also ran Outer Harbor 106' All Hail II FIFTH-1 1-16 miles: Southland Belle -101' xOld Bill ICI Cee Tee (Tilden) 8 38 444 216 aWise Lee 1061Blite Cloud 111 Impish (Leyland) 446 298 x-Apprentice 'allowance claimed Am-dmqtr I Wrioh t1 254 Weather clear track fast HAWTHORNE FIRST-51s furlongs: Sir Anthony tiVicDerm3tt) 3758 4018 930 Little Genie (Wright) 1520 628 Boar Zey (Lewis) 3213 Time 1:08 4-0 Anna Adella Alma Carira Bonnie Cap itHOPY oyage Chat Eagle Upon Moile Gertrude also ran SECOND-6)2 furlongs Don Momiro (Lewis) 6 20 500 376 Try Some (Allen) 2174 1238 French Honey (Fisher) 468 Time 119 2-5 Sophist Predict Oh Dave Judge Primrose Switch Happy Fellow 13ig PlaY Ante Altmark also ran THIRD-5 ka furlongs: Miss Melody (Critchfield) IMO 316 250 Tabaku (Moran) 428 322 Jessie Dear (Ellsworth) 336 Time 1:07 2-5 Gar Heart Missie Four Pence Princess Val Copley Square Bright Shadow also ran FOURTH-1 1-16 miles: Whippercraeker (Salazar)1406 986 626 Uncommon Gold (Richard) 842 t36 Tea (Lane) 28 Time 1:46 3-5 Martie Flynn Jean a- 'lite Mad Career William also ran FIFTH-1 1-16 miles: Cee Tee (Tilden) 8 38 444 276 Impish (Leyland) 446 298 Annimessic (Wright) 254 Steck Market A 1954 Standard Stattatiel COMD1113Y AlliCUS4 1931) 40 'mai 20 Ra Lis 20 'CR ils --r-e av 59 6 26 4 851 Pret ions day' 8 4 24 8 it Wee a sad 48 5 21 0 19 '7-)nt11 aid 35 4 13 5 526 ekr SRO 114 2 66 2 18 6 years ago 212 2 1S4 8 315 0 Fe years ago 12 1 119 7 1158 101:1 1 t2 689 39 8 111 0 Lou 741 351 13 2 518 3-i)2n 19'31 140 2 16 2 2(3 1-oa 191 40 0 30 8 928 1-h 1'-0 ''')2 4 141 6 2513 Is-sa 1129 864 1485 'Eastman Itod (5) 208 67 5104 63 A314 East Kod Pi (6) 120 112141 11234 1121 Eaton Mfg 11 578 s34 512 A 4 El Mug 32 23 21-4 214 4 Al2 El Auto-12 361 18'8 1638 171'2 Al El Auto-! DT (7) 2 134 134 138 A 34 El Pow Lt 221 7 8 634 A 34 Ft 26 pf(6) 10 -19t2 1814 184 El pli7) 13 24 22 2372 A2-18 El Stor Bat 13) 6 26 2514 26 A 34 Elk Horn Coal re a 3i Elic Horn nit1 100 5 a A Endicott-John 43) 2 2714 27 27 Al Eng Pub Svc (16) 18 9 874 9341 Al Erne PS l5 of i5) 2 40 39 40 Al Eloult 0 Bidgil34) 1 1634 1614 1614 A27'4 Erie 14 6 534 'Ns A Erie 1 pit 17 734 612 A2 ka Eure ad's) 1 A '2 Evans Prod 2 14 13 114 A 14 Fairbanks Mor 3 334 332 372 A 74 Fatrbanks Pt 10 1734 1734 1734 Fed Mot 14 24 134 27 A 74 Fed Screw 5 1 I 1 A Fed Witt Svc 17 514 434 514 A Feder 8 600 150 1114 1114 1134 Fid Ins(120) 39 1774 1632 17 134 Firestone 26 15 13 1434 Al34 Firest 0'6) IS 55 5234 55 A2 First Nat (372) 43 48 4614 48 A2 Fisk Rubber 465 74 34 34 A Fisk 1 pf 500 138 44 I' Al Fisk 1 Pt by 100 '1 1 1 A' Politer Wheel 65 1134 934 1134 D17-4 Foundation 18 434 3 334 A 68 Fourth NI (11510 10 1934 18 18 A Fox Film A 34 338 314 318 Ereetiort Tex (a) 71 1874 1714 18 Fuller 2 of 20 434 3 374 A Gabriel A 1 114 134 172 A 74 Gen Am Ins 13 2p 214 A 34 Gen Am Inv of 2 52 52 52 Gen Am 11120 392 1734 1634 1634 A 78 Gen Asphalt (1) 35 12 11 1114 13 74 Opt Bak i2) 33 1574 14 15 A1112 Gen Bronze 13 24 728 Gen Cable 2 218 2 214 A '8 Gen Cable A 1 434 4114 414 A 74 Gen Cable pf 20 13 12 13 rn Gen Cigar (4) 13 3314 3378 3314 A 1:2 Gen Elec (40)-1450 2034 1874 19 38 Gen Elec (60) 23 11 1078 108 Gen Foods (2) 220 2934 2674 28'4 Oen A 45 1 1 GGkE StiptA(8d) 10 934 912 A172 f7p1617d) 60 10 972 938 Al Gen Mills (3) 67 4214 4134 4174 Gen Mills Pt (6) 1 91 91 91 Al On Mot (1) 2000 1634 1414 1534 Al' Oen Mot pf (5) 9 80 78 79 34 Gen Out Adv 5 334 3 31 4 A Oen Out Adv A 1 578 578 578 A la Gen Print Ink 40 674 6324 634 Gen Pub Svc 47 478 3 3'4 A 78 Gen Ry Sig (1) 36 18 16 43 1718 A 4 Gen Real Ut 12 34 38 Oen Retract 3 8 34 8 Al GPC SG Cast tif S00 16 15 18 A472 Gillette (72g) 907 III' 17 IVA 38 Gillette cv pf (5) 4 64 64 64 A 78 Glidden Co 12 634 578 614 A la (obel 1 534 534 534 Gold Dust (160) 177 1772 154 114 Alvs Goodrich 109 652 4'4 64 Al Goodrich of 16 16(4 1334 1514 Al Goodyear 211 18 1314 1734 A3 Goody 'T 1 of(7) 23 414 45 48 A4 Goth Silk 41 3018 19 193'4 3'4 Graham-Paige 140 214 134 312 A 74 Granby Con 22 7 6 7 A 42 Grand Union 11 774 7 7 Grand Um of (3) 4 31 3034 31 Al Grant OW 1) 24 1934 19 1934 A 44 Gt Ir Ore ett 25 834 774 034 A114 at No Ry Pt 185 18 12 1474 Aril (It West Sug 18 714 674 7 A 38 Bug of (7) 30 75 75 75 At Orlitsby-Grun 80 134 134 134 A 34 Oulf pf 1 7 7 AV4 Gulf 4 9 8 8 Al Hahn Dept Edrs 60 274 2 274 Hahn Strs Pi 5 31 17 1912 A37f1 Hall Print 2 574 5V4 578 A 74 Hanna rif (7) 20 4714 4772 4712 A372 Hartman A 1 74 4 Hawaii Pine 1 6 6 6 A174 Hayes Body I 34 1 A v4 Hercules Pow (2) 1 16114 1674 1634 a274 Hershey Choc 22 5634 51 561 A514 Hersh cv pl(4m) 3 69 6814 6914 A 38 Holland le (1) 18 1014 9 10 Al Hollander 19 444 334 434 A 74 Home (9m) 17 120 11414 117 D3 Houd-Her 26 21'4 174 214 A 74 Hansen pf(4201 2 4718 4732 4712 El 38 Houston Oil 90 1912 18 1734 A Houston 011 new 5 334 334 378 Howe Sd (115y) 10 9 8 8 34 Hud Man (372) 5 22 22 22 A2 Hudson Mot 239 6 qi 714 Al Hupp Mot 49 344 274 3 A Va Illinois Cent 164 13 1074 12 Al Ill Cent pf 1 19 19 19 A 74 Ind MotocY 1 34 74 34 A 34 Ind Refln 1 178 134 187 A 34 Indust Ray (2) 52 2014 19 19 Inger Rand (3) 62 31232 2834 32 MN Inland 5 20 19 20 A2 Inspirst Coo 14 4 334 334 I) 34 Insur (1) i1) (34b) 1 414 434 434 A 341 Insur ett (MO 8 234 28 'marls Rap 58 7 514- 57'4 88 Intercon Rub 17 134 112 A 72 Interlake Ir 14 372 3 374 A 14 Int Bus (6rn) 39 88 85 8718 A11 Int Carriers (20) 94 634 314 3'34 A 342 Int Cement 13 111-8 104 1074 Int Comb 64 178 74 1 A 74 Int Comb pf 18 1312 1134 12 Al34 Int Harvest (180) 461 2974 267-4 261i Int Hary pf 4) 1 95 95 95 34 Int Hydro-El A 34 7 61 61A A Int Mer Mar 16 318 278 3 A 34 Int Nick Can 661 Houston Oil new: 75 Howe Sd LIMO 10 Hud Man (31a) 5 Hudson Mot 239 Hupp Mot 49 Il Imola Cent 164 Ill Cent pf Ind MotocIr 1 Ind Refit( Indust Rav (2) 52 Inger Rand (3) 62 Inland St1 5 Inspirst COD 14 Insur (Dal) (NO) 1 Insur ctf (MO 8 nterb Rap 58 Intercon Rub 17 Interlake Zr 14 Int Bus (6rn) 39 Int Carriers (20) 9 Int Cement 13 Int Comb 64 Int Comb 18 Tot Harvest (180) 461 Int Harv of 4) 1 Int Hydro-E1 A 34 Int Mer Mar 16 Int Nick Can 861 7716 13 19 204 32 Va 90 4 4V2 2'4 114 34 893 6s4 111s 132 2914 95 7 31'4 9'4 Ponds took a whirt with the fast moving $ek today when a flood ot Iasi reautte busuie orders resulted uit one of the sno-t active ses8lon3 since last Mull A-1 ciatetore part1cipated in the upturn the rels and utilities running neck and neck for the leadership Saes totaled -4 6l8 0 0 arid tne averaaa Or 60 corporate loans ouNanted nine-tenths of a point- Atrions tre 11-e dayt hetilest tradIra took place la lilati l'aite 6-4 stitch 4mped 31 points 11nd Market A iCopsiris rt 1932 Standard Statistic-1 Compazy Aui1-4 8 1932 20 Ina-a 20 Ra--la 20 MI5 ar's" f4 4 62 7 83 9 Pi7eons day 64 0 61 5 79 a lveeK silo fl 2 60 II 78 1 1--Izith akcs 43 9 82 3 73 6 Yea: alga F3 2 96 0 1012 Tao years sego 93 8 107 8 100 nree sera Ai a 93 8 103 3 971 3-i 1112 13 78 0 85 7 a 101 52 474 10 9 41 a 1q31 P--) 4 105 7 101 1- 13'1 623 62 3 802 It -71 i '-10 pi a 199 8 1014 17e 19 4) 83 3 9L3 1118 Time 1:47 Kibitzer Mowris also ran SIXTH-1 1-16 miles: Prefer (King) 2358 912 490 Sunday (Calvert) 628 422 Englewood (Richard) 404 Time 1:47 Lady Gib'son Elizabeth Fog Waterport Doris Jean also ran SEVENTH-11s miles: Parfait (Lewis) 960 594 350 Anita Ormont (Richard) 634 338 Prince Volta (Martin) 394 Time 1:54 4-5 Our Grief Afridi Princess A A Nacho Beauty Secret also ran EIGHTH-11a miles: Straightaway (Shannon) 2890 1170 802 Piecemeal (Calvert) 988 736 Rapid Birdie (Chidgey) 2066 Time 1:55 3-5 Faille Zenka Bay Leaf Playaround Klipdrift Kitty Bruce Don Taliker War Tide also ran Int PRP 2 Int Pap PC 3 Int Pan pt 3 In Print Ink Int Print I 0fti 50 Int Salt (11a) 4 -a 5'4 532 ThE4 curb Market lodge staged another tcycerocs Locust anich lig checked somewhat 11 the lato trading by heavy The days transactions totaled 4 21 shares In largest volume this year 22- the utiaties late realizing slowed doart the forward movement but Aabsma Power preferred and a host of other seraor utility contnued thetr upswing with undim-slted tgoz Ladustral Were mixed SFSgS- PRODUCE NEW YORE Ada 8 LTA-Butter 3429: crearnery- hotter than extras 22- 2:14 extra 92 score 213 iirst 88 to 91 164-21: 17-18: packira stock crtera make No 1 13 No 2 12 Cheese 21f11i1 1rtn state whole milk flats fresh 77-aie to fanry unouoted: held za---t Egg 92C-ii firm: trased colors stand- att's cases 45 Pounds net 19-20si re- Eshdl receipts cases 43 pounds net 16's- 174 no grades 12416 special Darks in woussial hirers seiections gold from on credit 21-244: medium 13-154 13-121-2: checks 12-124 refrigerator soecial paces 184-19 standards 1752-18s Dressed frm: chwkens fresh 15-2S: Imiren 12-23: foals fresh 11-19: frozen 11- E1 cid rcsosters fresh 10-12: goring turkeys fresh 25-5: frozen 18-26 ducks tresn Ill: frozen quoted CHICAGO Aug I (-Butter 11883 firm: creamery specials 93 score 214-22: extra 92 21: extra firsts 90-91 191- 8t43 18-13: secon4s 86-87 15-1i etanCards centralized cariots 3134 Eggs 13341: firm: extra firsts carlots 18: fresh g7ace1 ceriots 174 current receipts 12-14-34 Pctatoes 133 on track 216 total Stsies shipment Saturday 277: Sun-cat 24 steady: simples moderate demand mtiderste for cohblers on other stock csers Missouri No Is 80-8S Kansas grade 75: heated 65: Nesrasea No 1 81-90: Minnesota eery No 1 and partiy graded few eit7os 75: Nebraska triumphs Ti 1 1 lei Diaho triumphs 125 Poultry alive 2 14 truces steady: hens 14: Leghorn tens- 11: coored broilers 1232i colored fryers r'gt colored springs 1St Leghorn broiler 12: roosters 9 tiirkevs 10-12: goring chicks 10-12: old 9-11: geese 10-11 tIVETOCK JACKSONVTLIE Fla- Aug 8 rt1-Togs 177!" medium 4 00: light 375: teavy goLzs 3 50: light pigs 3 041: sows and IC 2 00s300: heavies 2 50Yr350 Clitie rhenium weak: steers choice 615 5 25 medium 4 00: fair 350 plain common 2 141c't 275: grasser 175 9" 2iS: heifers 300: common and grassers 2 CO4 275: cows medium 2 75 fair 2 25 common and grassers 1 254a 201 canters 1 00 down yearlings plain 275: corn-Timm 1 52 1 225: veal calves good 3 50 fair 3 25 pisin 2 GO common 325-e 2 75 bulls fir' TOO -I225 common and greasers 12S licht steads fat wethers 200 fat iambs 2Oiu 300 THISTLEDOWN PARK FIRST-6 furlongs: Clifton's Queen (Allen) 1820 800 480 Cedar Valley (Cheatham) 1620 1408 Princess Pert (Fischer) 600 Time 1:14 2-5 Anson Ward Mobile Be- cret Mission Seope Cut Price Ottie M( Crucial Test Yvette Victorious also ran SECOND-6 furlongs Thomas Seth (Meade) 840 440 400 The French Rose (Todd) 480 421 Brown Tran (Sylvia) 500 Time 1:12 4-5 Weep Lade LeComte Brown Gold Verde French Algol Tewsenelda Vladimir Alarnae Diaquin also ran Tlirrio---6 furlongs Don Day (Meade) 1020 360 120 Peter Pridd (Roussel) 380 400 The Nile (Chinn) 580 Time 1:13 3-5 Perky Nelbo Tonsie Broom Patch Tiemoo AbsurditY Beret Carter Mac Moon Tanpanaugh Duplicity 11130 ran FOURTH-Mile and 40 yards! Princella (Allen) 5 00 360 380 Miss Perks' (Matt) 830 640 Society Talk (Dickson) 780 Time 1:42 Jealous FooL Best Balance Black Patricia Mildred EL St Mica Marcelot Zella French Maid Montgomery Ma id also ran FIFTH-114 Billie (Bracken) 1980 1180 800 Thistle Joe (Todd) 1130 680 On Trial (Allen) 780 Time 2:06 45 isoard Hornsby Pacheco Harissil Fair Catch Martha Long JacquelYn Coogle Diodoro Abe's Pal also ran SIXTH-I 1-16 miles Huvera (Todd) 740 480 400 Reform (Clemons) 900 460 Nockol'a BOY (Dickson) 480 Time 1146 3-5 Oberon Chambers Kelso Let Alone French Ace Philomath None Nicker Semester Master Durbar also ran SEVENT1i-1k' miles: Curtain Call (Sylvester) 5 40 420 280 Sweet One (Boganowski) 560 341 Yarrow (May) 380 Time 3:34 Asnin Lake 'Uncle Si Cho rtster Vagabond Prince Clownish Tchades Shonna also ran MY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS) NEW YORK Aug 8--Fo1lowing le the complete official list of toda 8 StOC trarlSaCtIOLIA OA the New York Stock Exchange: (Sales lids) Rich Low Close MO Abitibf 9 l' I 1 AM'S pl 1 4 412 412 Al Adams Exp 197 512 412 5 A 54 Ad Exp of 150 50 452 50 A10 Adams-Millis (2) 7 16 1514 16 Al Addressog 10 10 10 A 22 Advance Rume 2 3'2 3 3 2'4 Affiliat t160) 21 8 812 852 341 Redue (35 169 5412 49e 50 DI12 Air-Way El AP 1 1 "2 1 114 A 4 2 Alaska Jun 412) 62 104 1014 1052 I) 52 Alleghany 120 1 I I A 52 Alieg pi sw 3 3 3 A Alleg pf 30 ww 11 324 3 312 A 14 Alleg pf 240 ww 2 352 322 31-4 A 14 At (6) 538 81'2 75 7612 1111-2 Allis-Ch Mfg 118 12 1112 114 A Amal Lea pi 1 7'4 '7 714 Amerada (2o 5 1812 18 18 Am Ag Ch Del 4 6 6 6 A 5s Ana Bank Note 41 1752 15 16 Al Arm Bit pi (3) 230 43 40 43 A11li Aim Beet 8 pf fs3 412 412 4 A 24 Am Bke (60) 8 1354 1214 13 Am lir Ein pf (7) 10 74 4 4 Ant Can 4) 1023 5512 4912 5112 A232 An Can Pt (7) 1 11454 114-54 11454 A434 Ain 36 111-4 10'2 1012 A 15a Ara pf (7) 770 39 36'2 37 D152 Am Chain of 2 13 1114 12 A 44 Arn Chicle (3b) 13 33 30 32 Al Am Colortype 1 3 3 3 Al Am Coral Alco 127 17 1511s 17 Al Pow 311 6'4 532 6 A 22 Am FP 46 of 12 1112 1014 11 Al' 27 of 23 15 13 14 A112 3 pi 20 912 94i 1144 A Is Am-Bawall SSW 6 4 4 414 A Am 4 10 10 10'a At Am of 3 10 1(P4 10 Al Am homel)(420) 30 40' 372a 40' A3 Am Ice (21 31 9 9 9 A 'At Am Internet 162 8-54 7 712 3s Am Loco 23 1014 912 1054 A 14 An Loco Pt (7) 4 38 35 36 A 22 Ant (60) 28 13 121'4 13 A Am Metal 33 512 412 5 Al Am Met 6'4 pi 100 16 15 16 A112 Am Pow As Lt 106 712 614 744 A 3a Afli of 161 15 314 30 31 24 Am $4 pit45) 5 26 28 26 D124 Am Rad Std San 260 752 6 712 A tis Ant Roll Mill 116 1024 9 10 A 54 Ant Saf Re (3) 17 23 202 2212 A214 Am I 2 Am Smelt 148 161s 1414 1544 Am Smelt pf 15 4452 41 41 "2 Am Smelt 2 pi 2 32 31 32 Am SU Edrs 19 9 812 812 14 ttrn Stores (2) 3 35 35 35 A212 Am Su Ref (2) 25 2812 28 2632 Al Am (9)1104 1144 10612 110 A254 Am Tob 45m) 17 78 76 77'2 A '2 Ain Too 5m) 404 82 7714 7852 D132 Am TYPO Fars 1 15 15 15 AS Am Type of 10 2412 24 2432 Al''s Am Wat Wks (2) 102 25 23 23 12 Arm WW etf (25 33 3012 19 20 Mn WW 1 IA (6) I 65 65 65 Al Am Woolen 44 522 4 4'2 A Am Wool Pt 66 274 36 3612 Am Wtg et 2 la 2s Ant Wtg pe 20 3 3 3 Al Am Zinc Ld 8 I 112 352 334 A 22 Anaconda 438 liri 9-12 10 A 255 Anchor (120) 12 11 10 10 Ancla of (652) 10 5252 52'2 5214 A Paper 114 134 134 A Arch-Dan-M (I) 3 1352 13 131-4 Al Arch-D-M pf (7) 10 94 94 94 A2 Armour Demf(7) 4 45 4422 45 A 34 Arm 111 A 33 152 132 1 A 341 Arm Li 23 54 12 34 Arm 111 Pf 6 1114 1014 1154 A 44 Arnold Const 1 212 212 212 A 44 Art Met Costae 1 42 42 4 Assd App Ind 6 112 12 152 A 14 Assd Dry Gs 12 5 412 5 Assd (ds 1 Pt 1 30 30 30 12 Assd Gas 2 pf 1 20 20 20 Assd Oil 51-2g) 10 14 14 14 DI Atch 8 407 49 402 46 A61's AtC111202 Pt 5) 4 62 60 60 32 Al Cst Line 10 23 2012 23 A3 Ati Refua (1) 168 171-2 1634 16 Atlas Pow (I) 3 13 12 13 Al Auburn Au (4a) 633 81 6952 7434 AIV4 Autosales 1 NI Autosales Pt 20 1 34 A lit Aviation Corp 125 322 3 352 1) 4 Baldwin Loc 29 74 7 744 Bald Loc of 410 24's 2152 2312 AI Bait Ohio 328 12 10 1112 A ls Balt 0 pf 4d 20 15 1712 Al Bang Ar (2) 2 25 25 25 pi (7) 20 70 70 70 Barker of 60 14 12 14 Al Barnsdall 10d 512 532 522 Baeuk Cigar 40 512 512 512 Beatrice Cr (2) 34 2514 2214 2514 A212 Beatrice pi (7) 3 54 79 84 Aria Beech-Nut (3) I 40 40 40 Beiding-Hem I 452 4114 4V Bendix Aviat 290 1052 9 24 912 A is Best Co 63 12 102 11 Al Bethlehem St 185 2112 1814 1952 A152 Beth Sti 13 4714 45 4714 A232 B1aw-Entox 3 8 14 714 Bohn Alum 26 121-2 1134 12 A 12 Booth Fisa 5 1a 3a A 34 Boraen 25 216 31 2852 3054 A152 Borg-Warner 101 10 8's 952 At Boston Me 3 812 712 812 A 22 Briggs Mfg 82 6 5 51-2 A (1) 1 64S 6e 644 Brockway Itiot 5 1 1 1 A 34 of (6) 112 2322 225-2 2312 34 Bglyn-Man 147 2314 2212 23 4 Bien-MT pt (6) 10 597s 59 59 A 54 13-Kink Ca (5) 22 74 70 11'4 A114 Brown Sla (3) 2 3234 3212 3222 A 34 Brown Si Pt (7) 20 105 105 105 At Brunswick-Bal 1 21-14 214 234 A Vit Bruns TicRy 8 1 152 112 A Bucsrus-Erie 9 4 374 4 A 5 4 Bucy-E evti PI 13 652 512 6 A sia Budd Mfg 3 134 I 152 A Budd Wheel 4 114 -112 154 A 54 Bullard Co 17 914 434 434 A 54 Bulova 4 3 3 3 A 22 Burr Ad (80) 16 1012 912 1054 A 22 Bush Term 7 834 534 6 34 Bush -e deb 140 1824 18 182a L511-4 Bush pl 7) 50 39 38 39 Al Butte Cop 3 I 112 A 12 Byers Co 164 1652 1172 15 A la Byers pf (7) ex 30 53 5334 5312 A734 Calif Pack 17 n4 II Al Callahan Z-L11 4 12 'a '15 Calumet lice 39 434 34 4's A 22 Can DOA (120) 876 1214 1034 1228 Ale Canad PO (1241 347 15 1454 1412 Cap Adm 3 412 4'4 454 Case tJ I) 783 544 47 5014 At Case (JD pf (7) 590 6312 61 61 D3 Catertni (44) 101 Ws 104l4 1044 DI Celanese 5 334 3 3's Cent Agu (112) 17 17 1612 1612 44 Cent RR NJ 6 69 6334 69 A9 Century Rib 2 6 574 6 Cerro de Paa 61 1034 934 10 A 22 Checker Cab 16 5 4 5 At Ches 0 212) 62 20 1734 1834 AP's Ches -Corp (2) 97 1112 9 1034 A 4 Chi 111 pf 12 2 114 2 A le Chi 205 712 534 652 Al Cut pf 6 12-'4 11 12 Al Chi Gt West 20 314 334 312 A 18 Ch GtW p112k) 41 8 7 734 A Chi St 18 2 152 2 pf 74 272 234 234 A 22 Chi Pneu 13 414 334 434 'is Chi Pneu pi 4 8 722 I Chi Rk Is Sr 56 7 5 612 A132 6 of 4 1034 8 8 Di of 3 ll's 1112 112 CM Yell Cab 521 80 1012 1012 1012 A 62 Chick Cot Oil I 6 6 6 Childs Co I 312 312 322 A 22 Chryaler (I) 808 13 1034 111a AI City (2) 8 15 1452 14's A 34 City St 3 34 pf (5) 40 55 55 55 A Ya Coca-Cola 18b) 92 10022 94 98 A la Colgate-Palm 4 53 15 15 154 A 5-2 Cog-Pal PI (6) 2 82 8134 62 A -is Coil Aik 12 61'4 6 6 A 24 Col Sou 1 924 934 934 A IS Col Fuel Jr 9 9 834 812 Colum (If) 552 14 1114i 1352 AI Col Pt A(6) 2 65 65 65 A2 Colum Pict vte 25 101'4 834 8 A Coium Carb (2) 139 32 272 292 A 52 Coml Credit (52) 28 752 614 732 A 111 Con Cred A (3) 7 1834 1812 1822 Dfla Corn Cript 65-21 50 62 60 62 A3 Comi Cr pi (21 30 16 162 16 Al Coml Inv (2) 40 20 1 ea 2054 Al'! Com1T cv pf(6hs 75 75 75 Al Co IT612-pft61251 10 94 94 94 Al Coml Sole (60) 357 9 7 812 A112 Comwith Sr Sou 333 32 -234 31-a A 14 Corn 8 pf (6) 5 50 4912 50 A 34 Cong-Na (I) 26 1012 10 1012 A 54 Congress Cist (1) I 61s 62 612 4 Con Cigar I 7 7 7 CC6pfww 644 20 40 3934 3912 A 14 Con Film 3 212 212 21 A 1s Con Film pf 14 512 54 51s A 12 Con Gas (4) 631 5634 111134 5412 Al Con Gas pi (5) 5 90 8834 8912 A 12 Con Laund (1) 10 7 6' 634 4 Con Oil 261 I 7 Con Text 21 34 34 34 A 12 Container 3 '8 3i4 8 A 34 Cont Bak A 15 512 5 1112 Cont Bak 8 6 1 34 34 Cont Bak pf (6) 2 38 3712 35 Al Coot Can (3) 162 31314 2812 2912 A 34 Cont Diam Fib 12 5 412 5 A 1-2 Coot Ins (120) '10 1834 1634 1734 A 34 Coot Mot 31 1 134 A 52 Coot 011 Del 560 124 7 79 A 's Corn Prod- (3) 149 42 3912 41 Coty 26 Via 334 434 A lit Cr-osley Rail 334 334 3 A 52 Crown Cork 7 914 912 934 A 14 Cr Ck pf 1270) 2 19 19 19 A 22 Crucible SU I 18 18 18 Al Crucible biii 111 360 2934 28 3912 Cuba Co 1 11s 112 126 A lit Cuba pf (6) 30 10 10 10 Cuban-Am Sug 5 2 112 154 14 Cuban-Am 8 pf 10 13 13 13 Cudahy (234) I 31 31 31 Curtis Pub 36 1634 IS 1522 A 52 Curt Pub of (7) 7 6554 64 67 A4 Curtiss-Wright 99 15 152 Curtiss-Wr A 32 234 244 234 A 34 Cushrn of ('7) 10 65 65 65 Al Cutler Ham 1 6'2 612 6'2 A 311 Davison Com 26 3152- 334 A 34 (40) 5 13 11 11 DI12 DflikkiLICI l9 60 6534 60 6312 A414 Del Lack 73 2152 1632 19 Al OW DI 4 4-4 4 4414 A 3' Detroit Ed (8) 6 84 92li 8244 A 14a Diamond (1) 16 1734 16 17 Al Dome (1200) 13 10 922- le Dom Strs(120m) 8 1612 16 16 Douglas Aire (I) 11 712 634 74 A134 Drug Inc (4) 200 43 4034 4024 Dunhill Int 5 I 1 1 A 2: du Pont de (3) 29741 364 38 A2'2 du Pont de 561 5 91 90 9012 A '2 liau2teLr YR Si 23 93-9 111! 35 15V I oodyr 58 57 16 75 74 75 Tk By Can 68 4 9916 99 11934 Nor By 7s 36 198 7034 6814 694 (St Nor 414 77 18 8 5234 51 5214 Hudson Coal 58 82 A 13 3414 31 3414 Hutt rig 5s 57 A 934 9 7914 Hud At Lai Inc 58 57 27 49 4734 4814 Illinois Bell Tel 5s 56 10 103 103 10314 Illinois Cent 434s 66 90 35 II 3414 5s 63A 94 '36114 31 3574 Inland St 4s 78 A 11 7514 75 5 interb Transit is 32 23 6214 61 61 interb Tr rig 5s 66 14 4614 45 4614 Int Cement 5s 48 38 61 60 611 int (it Ner arli 6s 52 1 618 614 614 int Hy Elee 63 44 10 3814 37 37 int Paper cvt 58 47A: 16 1934 18 18 tot evt 4148 39 79 4312 40 4214 Int deb 55 55 413 42 3914 41 Pow Lt 4148 61 2 934 9314 9334 IC South rig 58 50 8 4934 4734 4834: Term 1st 48 12 8514 8412 853 Lac Gas St I 518s 53 9 58a 56 58 tauter() Nitrate es 54 20 61'2 614 6 Liggett Myers 5s 51 1 102'4 Lorillard Co 53 51 10 9512 95 9512 Manhat Ry 4s 90 30 37 35 36 McK Rob 514 8 50 21 35 35 3514 61 5 81 8014 81 4s 38 4 4614 46 4634 131-K-Tex let 48 90 14 75 74 75 Mo Pao evt 512s 49 93 15 1314 1434 Mo Pao Sc 77 111 67 91 2914 3014 Mo Pee gen 48 75 58 16 1514 15314 Mo Pao let 5s 81 104 31 2914 30 Mont Pow rig 58 43 A 13 BO 7814 80 Nat Dairy 534s 46 49 8814 8714 SSr's Nati Steel 5s 68 66 79 77 7734 New Eng 55 52 8 104 104 104 0 Pub By 5s 55 2 6434 6414 6414 NYC it Imps 5s 2013 102 5014 48 4914 NYC HR deb 4s 34 19 74 7334 74 NY Chi St 6s 32 394 48 4334 47 NY Ch St 4128780 42 23 2114 2214 NY Edison rfs 6Ls 41 4 111 11044 111 deb 6s 48 21 80 7834 80 NY Tel gen 432s 39 18 10134 1001 10014 NY Bost 41-48 46 4 4914 4758 4914 Niagara Shares 512s 50 17 661 61 6614 Nor Am Co 5s 61 4 8014 80 8014 Nor Am Ed 5148 63 5 85 84 85 Nor Am Ed 5s 69 1 79 79 79 Nor Pac 6s 2047 82 77 74 77 Nor Pac pr lien 97- 22 84 8314 8314 Nor States Pow 56 41 A 3 9714 9714 9714 Ore-Wash 4s el 1 638 76 765-4 Otis Steel 6s 41 11 2912 26 294 Pac Gas Elee 55 43 4 10134 10034 100314 Pao 5s 37 5 104 10338 104 Param Publix 532s 56 13 321fz 29 30 Penn Dix 68 41 A 1 3914 3914 3914 Penn Lt 4148 el 98 88 8714 87 Penn RR 41-4s 63 12 74341 73-4 7414 Penn RR gm 414s 65 55 7512 73 75 Penn RR 418s 70 50 6214 6038 60 Phila Co 67 10 82 81 82 Phil Read 0 I 6s 49 19 44 421 4214 Phillips Pet 5146 39 46 72 711-4 72 Portland 0 El 41'25 60 49 56 55 Postal Tel Cab 5s 53 80 29 27 28 Pub Sec El 41-2s 67 20 99 99 99148 Pure Oil 5186 37 7 80 7778 80 Reading eon 414s 97' A 9 78 76 76 Rem Rand 5V2s 47 we 40 50 4814 50 diy 33 32 5514 55 55 St 412s 78 55 914 918 9'i St 8 48 50 A 21 141'4 131-4 1312 Seab A con es 45 3 4'i 4 414 Shell Pipe Line 5s 52 8 8334 8314 83172 Shell Un 56 49 ww 18 8254 821a 824a Sine Oil col 7s 37 12 96 94 9514 Sine Cr 011 51213 38 26 10214 10214 10212 Skelly Oil 5328 39 5 70 67 6714 So Bell 5s 41 2 103 103 103 Sou Pac 412s 68 22 48 45 4854 Sou Pee 43-4s 69 ww 71 47114 44 46 South Ry con 5s 94 1 701 7014 70 South BY gen 48 56 33 28 2434 27 Bell Tel 5s 54 2 10234 10232 10234 St Oil deb 46 328 10214 102 10212 St Oil 412s 51 64 9114 91 91 Tenn El Pw rig 65 47 A 12 9614 95 9512 Tex Corp 5s cvt 44 27 90 89 89 Tob Prod 63262022 102 9312 9232 93' Un Pao 412s 67 1 82 82 82 Un Pee 1st 4s 47 14 94 94 9414 Unit Drug Del 5s 53 21 813-4 8014 8014 Rub 5s 47 34 44 42 44 Utah Pow Lt 5s 44 16 7754 75 7754 Util Pow Lt 5s 59 ww 58 2814 26 27 Vanadium 5s 41 93 4414 4314 43 Virginia By 5s 62 873'8 861 8 873-8 Warner Bros 6s 39 24 2614 25 2614 Western Bice Is 44 1 94 9434 9414 West Maryland 4s 52 13 53 53 53 West Pac 1st 5s 46 5 38 37 38 West Penn Pow 5s 56G 12 101 10034 10034 Western Union 5s 51 7 67 633 667' Western Union 5s 60 22 60 63 68 Wilson Co 1st es 41 3 82 81 8112 Youngstown 5s 78 3 65 64 6432 FOREIGN BONDS Abitibi 68 53 11 1914 19 19 Akershus 58 63 1 56 56 56 Argentine es 57 9 3934 3714 3934 Arg 6s St 59 June 23 39 3714 38 Arg 6s 1961 Feb 1 39 39 39 Arg 6s 1961 May 17 3854 3134 3854 Aus1ralla 5s 55 75 7134 711 71 Australia 41ks 56 10 64 34 64 647'a Austria gtd 8 43 3 8918 89 89 Batavian Pet 4128 22 9134 90 90 Belgium 78 56 16 10434 10P4 10438 Belgium 6s 55 38 97 964 9738 Berlin City Elec 6326 51 4 4814 4534 4534 Bolivia 8s 47 1 6 6 6 Bordeaux Os 34 3 10414 10414 10414 41 1 21 21 21 Brazil 614 8 26-57 10 1714 1634 1714 Brazil 6128 27-57 20 1634 1614 1634 British 518s 37 207 10414 10434 10474 Budapest 6s 27-62 36 287 9534 28 Buenos A 6s 61 20 23 22 23 Bulgaria 712s 68 4 2414 24 24 Canada 56 52 12 9614 9614 9674 Canada 48 60 3 8238 818 82 Chile Mtg Bit 634s 61 2 14 14 14 Chile 68 60 19 734 718 714 Chile 6s 61 3 71 7 1738 Colombia 68 61 Oct 29 34 32 34 88 51 1 9514 9514 9516 Denmark 47'28 62 7 69 6954 6958 Duke Price Pow 6s 66 III 52 49 52 French 71as 41 17 120 11954r 120 French 7s 49 17 114141 11334 114 Oar Ag Bk es 38 Apr 30 4714 46 46 Oar As Bk 68 60 Oct 29 44 4314 4318 Car Gov't Intl 5328 65 120 4614 45 45 Ger Rep 7s 49 68 68 68 68 Ger Gen El 68 48 10 35 3514 3514 ilseder Steel 66 48 8 31 3014 31 ital Pub Util 7s 52 1 7614 7614 761'4 Italy Is 1951 8 9414 94 94 Japan6123 54 65 6234 6134 62 Bordeaux 6s 34 3 10412 10412 10412 Bgazil 83 41 1 21 21 21 Brazil 6128 26-57 10 1712 163'4 1712 Brazil 61as 27-57 20 1634 16112 16'12 British 5Rs 37 307 104112 104 10412 Budapest 6s 27-62 36 28112 25312 28 Buenos A 6s 61 20 23 22 23 Bulgaria 7128 68 4 24va 24 24 Canada 5s 53 12 96112 9612 9612 Canada 48 60 3 8212 81112 82 Chile Mix Bk 61 2 14 14 14 Chile 68 60 19 734 712 714a Chile 6s 61 3 112 712 712 Colombia 68 61 Oct 29 34 32 34 88 51 1 9512 9512 9514 Denmark 412s 62 7 6912 6934 6912 Duke Price Pow ti's 66 III 52 49 52 French 1128 41 11 120 1194r 120 French 7s 49 17 114111 11334 114 Get Ag Bk es 38 Apr 30 4712 46 4612 Ger As Bk 6s 60 Oct 29 44 4314 43112 Ger Gov't Intl 51128 65 120 4634 45 45 Ger Rep 7s 49 68 68 68 si 68 Get Gen El 6s 48 10 3512 3512 3512 Ilseder Steel 68 48 8 31 3012 31 Ital Pub Util 7s 52 1 7612 7614 '761'4 Italy Is 1951 8 9434 94 9434 Japan 6123 54 65 6234 6134 62 SePtembber 32tIt 313331 311 :3133 pleacyem 4 -7 v4 39 4034 3 September 1814 1954 18 1834 December 201 21 201'4 2032 23' 4 2334 22' 233 ay Ry 1 Se te er 3314 35 333'4 35 De en ber 36 9 3 1 36 381 ct 34 3 8 4 2 4 may 41 4234 4I 4214 Provisions Lard September 507 525 507 525 52 10 22 Octoaer 510 2 5 5 anuar)" 455 4-77 4 55 4-77 Bellies-- September 872 875 672 675 Lard 530 ribs 675 be11ie8 675 Heavy general buying promoted by smaller government crop figures than ex-Read petted and continued optimism over the business outlook brought about an advance of 35 a bale in cotton today December contracts sold UP to 738 or 104 Points above the Saturday close and 208 points or $1040 a bale above the June low and closed at 720 The general market closed at net gains of 86 to 87 points Active months sold about 30 points above Saturday's closing figures before trading was suspended lot the government crop report ()Den ILO Low Close Ocotober 6 37 722 627 703-04 Rossia Ins 4 47-i 434 474 A 34 December 658 738 6 44 720-21 Royal (805e) 33 21 2014 2014 DI January 666 746 652 728-29 Rutland of I 8 8 8 Al March 680 760 665 741-44 Safeway St (5) 138 4874 467'4 4634 AI May 693 770 878 755-56 Safe St 350 90 87 89 A334 July 7 04 782 690 767 Safe St 6oft62 10 75 7514 7534 A 74 St Jos Lead 10 914 9 934 A 334 Raw sugar- was more active today and -San St L-San 21 2 134 2 A 3-- Prices advanced 2 points to the basis of St of 29 274 234 2 A 34 310 for spots St Southw I 7 7 7 At Futures closed with net gains of 1 to 5 Savage Arms 1 334 3'4 314 Schulte Ret I 214 214 A Points September contracts sold up to 106 74 and December to 111 Co to the close final Scott Pap (140) '10 2314 2374 2314 1)234 Prices were at the best of the season AP- Seaboard Air 9 32 32 3'8 Proximate sales 29850 tons September Seaboard 0 (40) 250 1319 12 1232 Sears Roeb 873 25 22 23 34 closed 106: December Ill: January 1081 March I08 May L13 July 119 Second at Ins 3 134 134 134 A 74 Refined was unchanged at 410 to 415 for Seneca- Cop 4 34 12 a4 Servel 62 3 23 27's A 34 fine granulated Sharon SD I 434 4424 434- Al' Sharp Dohme 15 434 4 4 14 COTTONSEED OIL Sh oft214e) 2 1934 19 19 Al NEW YORK Aug 8 cotShat (F 0) (34) 131 934 73 9 A114 tonseed oil was firmer influenced by the Shell Union 143 734 614 7 A 32 sensational advance in cotton Active coy Shell On of 6 4734 45 4634 34 ering and commission house buying was in Simmons 39 834 7 734 14 evidence with final prices showing net gains Simms Pet 11 614 6 634 A 34 of 17 to 25 points The strength of laird and Skelly Oil 2 43-'4 414 434 34 grains were also factors with the daY's busiSkelly 0 of ww 1 2714 2714 2714 Al14 ness totaling 32 contracts or 4800 barrels Soc-Vac (80) 258 1174 1034 11 Crude oil was 314 bid in the Southeast and Sol A I ofww(5112) 2 55 55 55 the Valley and 3 in Texas Bleachable soot ScaP Sue 39 137-4 1234 1314 A 34 closed 420 September 441 December 456 So 1042 10 105 10572 1053a A 34 January 4-62 March 472 Sou Cal Ed (2) Si 2634 2434 28 Al 3I3I1534 Sou Pao 556 22 1514 19 A2 MONEY Sou RY 147 834 6 734 AI NEW YORK money Sou Ry of 62 13 )101'4 12214 AAllt steady! 2 per cent Aug 11(11 day Time loans Soarks-With 18 2114 13 steady 60-90 days 11 4-112 4-6 months Spear ar Co 20 34 4 3Y4 A 14 114-112 per cent Prime commercial paper Spiegel Silencer Kell (601 2 9 May Stern 1 33 9 3 9 Al 33y4 A 14 214-212 bankers' acceptances unchanged: 30 4 34 Std Brands (120) 684 15 1314 14 A13 days 174 60-90 days 1-71) 4 months 114-1 34 74 4 Std 0 El (2) 186 1814 1614 17 A 14 9-6 months 134-134 Std of (4) 19 2534 23 25 A214 Std 0(6) 3 3234 36 3834 A3 Std of(71 6 46 44 46 AS Std Oil Es of (5) 89 8734 88 Al Std Oil Cal (2) 213 2834 2734 27 A Vo NEW 'YORK CURB std Oili Kan 1 12 12 12 34 Std Oil (213) 424 3634 3434 3514 34 Sterl Sec A 17 11'4 2 4 34 114 A 12 LBY THE ASSOCIATED miss Sterl Sec of 1 21-'4 34 21 AI Sterl 8 cv of 2 1934 1934 1934 A Vs Stewart-Warn 31 534 434 434 A 134 NEW YORK Aug 8-13011owing is a se-Stone Web 72 10 914 914 :4 lected list of transactions on the New York 48 Studebaker 72 612 512 81'4 A A3 Curb Exchange giving stocks and bonds Studebak 13t (72 20 43 46 74 Sun Oil (1) 8 32 3274 A is traded: STOCKS I Sun Oil uf (6) 20 87 87 87 Superheater (1) I IIV2 1114 1114 Al (Sales in ids) High Low Close Superior Oil 5 I 24 34 alum Co Mn 4750 61 5534 60 Superior Sti 2 434 434 434 A 34 Am Cit 121 18 234 214 234 Svmington 3 32 34 34 Am 0 Pow A 5 34 14 14 Telautogratal (1) 5 854 8 8 34 Am Cysts 52 434 434 -434 Tenn Coro 2 3 2 3 A t4 Am Gas El (la) 269 2734 2514 2634 Texas Corp (1) 224 16132 1434 1614 A 3-' Am Light (274) 26 1714 16 1734 Tex Gulf Sail (2) 195 2034 1914 2014 A 12 Am Sup Power 173 4 312 334 Tex Pac 9 334 334 314 Am Sup I or 9 5114 5034 5114 Tex Pac Tr 189 614 534 614 A 34 Ark Nat Gas A 23 24 234 274 Thatcher 1 3 1 3 As El A (50 40 254 214 14 234 Thermoid A 32 Blue Ridge 3 134 14 134 Third Ave 5 8 534 534 A 14 Blue Ridge cat of (311) 6 244 2334 233-4 Thomo (JR)(I) 1 13 13 13 Bras Tr Lt (854) 3 934 934 93a Prod 2 7 63'4 7 Al Can Marc Wirel 54 114 I 134 Thorno-Star 21 1 8'2 I A 14 Cent Pub 8 A 20 2V4 174 214 Tide Wat AS 72 474 434 4'4 A 14 Cent St El 40 212 174 214 Tide A of (6) 3 4634 48 46334 A334 Cities Service 324 442 4 434 Timk-Det Ax 12 314 374 314 A 34 Cit Sera of 6 30 28 30 Timk It (I) 120 18 18 16 44 Colum 0 0 vtc 12 134 lv 137 2 8 Transamerica 142 5 4 5 Comwith Edis (5) 10 74 7212 72'4 Trans Will 2 47 34 4 434- A Z)2 Comwith Sp war 101 34 14 32 Tri-Cont Corp 87 4 3 4 A Cons Bait (360) 11 561-4 5434 56 Tri-Cont of (6) 1 57 57 57 Al Cord Coro 24 334 3' 334 Trico Prod (214) 2 24 2334 2314 Creole Pet 6 3 234 234 Truscon Stl 3 514 5 5 Al Dee re CO For 96 '1334 1114 1114 Twin City 3 212 234 214 A t4 Twin City of 110 117 104 101:4 A 44 lien 66 Co 9 112 112 3 8 Eaest 331as Pow 3 31 4 4 3 12 234 "3 El Sh (6341 602 1 16 Underwood-E (I) 23 1334 1734 1834 AP Bon 1 Under-Ell of (7) 20 81 77 77 Al El Bond Sh Of (8) 21 52" 1714 50 53 4 30 12 Un Carbide (120) 773 2674 2314 244 A 34 El "V' As A 4858) 2 7 844 8711 Un Oil Cal (1) 63 133 1214 1314 A 34 Elect are 2 434 434 43-4 Un Pao (6) 430 71 59 65 A3 Ford Can A 35 834 734 814 Un Pac of (4) 9 6014 50 59 Ford Mot Ltd 97 4 32 374 Unit Aircraft 693 15 134 1334 A 14 Gen El Ltd rct (204e) 2 714 774 714 Unit Aircr of (3) 1 4514 454 4514 D212 Glen Alden 1814 16 16 Unit Bur (2) 13 183 1634 18i4 Alia Goldman Sachs el 234 2 274 Unit Bis Of (7) 20 891 89 8934 D314 Gt AEI nv (614b) 20 140 14() 140 Unit Carbon 26 131-4 113-4 13 A114 Gulf Oil Pa 31 38 363'2 37 Unit Cigar 22 74 34 34 A 14 Hecla Min 3 334 34 374 United Coro (40) 789 874 734 814 A 14 Hudson Bay 8 15 234 214 234 United Cri of (3) 35 35 34 3434 A 34 Humble Oil (2) 28 234 214 214 Unit El Coal 7 374 334 334 52 Imp Oil Can (34) 23 914 912 912 Unit Fruit (2) 10 2574 231-'4 2434 A134 Insull Util 19 34 3-16 34 Unit 0 Im (120) 240 1812 1714 174 A Ins Co Am (2) 1 30 30 30 Unit 0 I of (5) 2 90 89 89 A2 Internet Pet (I) 26 1034 1014 30 Unit of (61) 8 3 3 3 A 14 Inter Sup Pow (34) 2 812 812 834 ll For 8 Dr 1 53 53 53 Al Inter Util i 3 134 134 134 Freight 39 10 8 974 Al Lehigh (-801 8 934 9 934 IT 8 GYP (160) 30 2134 20 21 Al Lone Star Gas (60) -17 734 7 114 tr 8 Indus Alco 186 27 235-4 2534 A 34 Gas 1 2a 27' 27" US Leather 3 334 i 314 Va Mid West CU' 42 32 34 34 8 Lea A 11 714 614 74 A 334 alo-Kans 8 9-16 12 9-16 Lea Pr of (7) 1 60 60 60 All Nat Avia 14 334 314 334 Pipe II) 54 1174 1074 114 A 32 Nat Bond Sh (1) 2 2814 25 26 11 8 I of (1202 2 1314 134 131a 33 23 Nat Fuel (1) 9 1234 125-6 1234 'U 8 Real Ins 30 10 534 7 Ai34 Nat Investors 23 314 274 274 1U Rubber 094 434 51'4 A 34 a zinc tai 10 30 293 3 4 IC 8 Rub I of 35 1114 10 103-4 A 14 New out Min 16 13 12 1335 Sant R(1) 33 18 1634 1714 A 4 Steam ('160) 3 43 42 43 1U Smit of (334) 126 I 40 40 1' 40 54 AI Tel 61is Pi (634) 5 113 112 113 Steel 3 4434 414 41 A Steel of (7) 192 87 8312 8312 I32 St A (8 Niag Hod Pow 50 15 1374 144 47'i 4 55 53 55 IT Tob (440) 3 60 60 60 Al 2 or ates ac West Oil 6 414 4 Unit Strs A 2 134 I 154 1" Unit Strs of (343 I 3614 -361'4 3614 A 34 Parker Rust-Pr 1 20 20 20 United Pao Board 1 34 34 34 Di34 Pennroad 54 23-4 234 234 Univ Leaf Tob (2) 1 2312 2334 2334 DI34 Pilot Radio A 3 2 2 3 Univ Leaf of (81 88 88 88 A3 Pioneer Gold (12) 16 34 334 333 Univ Pict 1 Di (8) 40 31 31 31 D4 Pitney Bowes 14f) 3 3 27a 3 Univ 2 34 14 34 A 112 Pitts PI GI --(1) I 17 17 17 Util Lt A 48 414 4 4 Plymouth 0 (14e) 6 934 914 954 Vadsco 4 34 si 3f A Rep (as 8 5-16 I4 11 Vanadium 200 1534 1334 1414 St Regis Pap 34 34 314 37" Va-Caro Chem II 114 114 114 Salt Cr Prod (1) 7 474 432 4) Va-C 6 of 6 8 632 614 Sec Al Corp (74g) 1 814 814 6 Vulcan Detin 980 2234 1812 21 Al 34 Se-al Lock 22 34 34 34 Wabash By 8 2 1p 212 212 Selected Indus 7 174 1 1 Wabash of A 12 41-4 354 354 34 74 Shenandoah 8 1 1341 PA Waldorf Sys (114) 3 1112 11 1112 A 34 Singer Mfg (8) 50 113 11234 113 Walworth 2 23(1 234 234 A 3in So Penn Oil (1) 8 1434 14 14 7A Ward Bait A I 574 514 512 A 14 Southland Roy (20) 3 4 4 4 Ward Bak 2 134 134 112 A 14 St Oil Ind (I) 153 2334 2234 2314 Ward of (413441 1 22 22 22 Al St Oil KY (120) 15 1414 13 V2 14 Vvarner Pict 160 254 214 214 14 st pow Lt (s30a) 1 8 8 8 Vkarner Pic of I 1014 104 104 A2 Sunray Oil 7 5 12 Warner-Quin 1 134 114 I'S A 14 Swift Co (1) 21 1232 12 12 Warren Bros 23 414 4 412 A 14 Swift Int (3) 41 22 2014 21 War Br cv 14 20 10 9 10 Tampa El 4224) 3 2614 26 2611 War Yds' 5 10 934 10 A174 Teck-Hugh 0 (80) 8 33-4 3 33 Webster Eisen 4 1 34 1 A 14 Transcont Air 7 34 234 31 Wes Oil 8 (I): 13 15 14 15 A334 Trans-Lux 3 134 154 151 Wes 0 of (4) 2 51 49 51 A44 Ill'Inni 1 it 4 12 314 214 3'3 Penn A (7) 60 53 5254 53 A3 118 11-4 1 IV 7 of (T) 50 60 57 60 A434 United 13-4 13 7'7 of (7) 10 94 94 94 D1V2 Un Lt Gas Po A 134 136 534 4 4'i 8 of (6) 20 8614 8614 861'2 Al West Dairy' A I 614 634 614 A 8 Elec Pow Utility Equities 37 Pa I 13 10 21'4 1 27 est MarY Vest Dairy 7 234 2 234 64 514 41i 5 A 4 Util Power Lt 14 154 171 eat Mary 2 of 2 734 6 714 A21-4 DONTESTIC BONDS (SALES IN SLOW West Pac 2 134 134 13' A 14 Ala Pow 47-2s 67 11 76 74 78 West Pc of 8 314 314 3144 Alumin Co 5s 52 10 9334 93 933 West Un Tel 138 3854 32 35 A114 Am Cmwith Pow 6s 4111 3 2 134 13 Westingh Air (1): 45 1514 1474 1531 Al' Am 5s 2028 169 817'4 7974 811 Westing 522 374 32 3434 A 34 Am Pow as 2116 18 63 6234 823i West 1 Pr (312) 10 6934 6934 6934 A414 Am Roll 412s 33 28 6343 6014 63 Weston El Inst 2 534 554 532 34 Anpalach Pow 5s 56 8 8634- 86 8634 Westvaco Chl II 634 574 612 A 34 Ark Pow Lgt 55 56 5 82 82 82 White Mot 14 12 1114 12 A 34 Asso Elec 414s 53 15 37 3474 37 White vf So (2) 2 15 1514 1534 A 34 Aso 0 Az 5s 50 38 2374 2234 233( White Sew Mch 11 3-4 14 14 34 Asso 0 55 68 92 2234 2034 223 Wilcox 23 5'4 43-4 4'i A 14 Aso 414s 49 254 21 1934 2031 Willys-Over 93 15i nt 1'4 Assoc Ted 512s 44 19 1834 I614 la Wilson Co 4 134 l'--' 134 Bell Tel Can 5s 57 9 92 903'4 92 Wilson A 2 3 334 ala A Cent Pub Svc 534s 49 30 1174 103-4 113 Wilson of 21 23 20 2234 Al Cent St El 5'2s 54 71 37 3534 37 Woolworth (240) 300 3(334 3134 3514 A 34 Cities Ser 55 50 242 38 37 38 Worth al 148 19'4 1634 173-4 3-4 Cities Svc Pow 514s 52 137 39 3734 39 Wright Aero 40 834 7 834 Al" ComwIth Ed 0 81 21 7e14 7814 78 Wrigley )r (3) 25 3974 3654 394 A234 Consum Pow 416 58 13 94 9332 931 Yale Towne (1) 8 1014 101'4 1014 Al Cont Gas El 55 58 A 40 5414 53 54 Yell Trk 88 414 334 434 A '-'1 East Ut11 Inv 5s 54 A 11 16 15 15 Yell Trk 7 of 300 29 27 29 Elec 5s 2030 113 48 4514 46 Young 8 (1) 2 64 614 614 'a Empire 0 St 57 3'4 2s 42 12 43 40 43 YOUTISSS SSZT 9 1314 1274 1234 A 1 Fla Pow Az Lt Os 54 15 684 673 681 Zonite Prod (60 63 64 574 6 A la Zenith 4 1 I 1 A '3 Gatineau Pow 5s 56 6 A 63 1 7 Geo 67- 87 'r-- Total sales 5544380: previous ay 2728- ow 55 4 Gine 43 81' 80134 87 81 tte 5 430: week afro 2106806 year ago 709954 two years ago 1744500: anuary 1 to date Gu 40 18 96 lf Oil Pa 5s 37 7 9834 96 9834 96 983 III Pow Lt 1 5s 58 8 6234 62 62 220025726 year ago 37L433479 two years ago 550427460 Indnapls 5s 57 A 7 8812 88 88 xd--Ex-dividend: sale since ex Interl Sec Am 5s 47 14 50 48 50 dividend date or dates Inters Pow 5s 57 10 60 5574 60 Plus extras extras: Jet Cent 4345610 5 80 7834 783 in scrip last year: in Lehigh 61 2026 A 9 7334 1214 131 stock so far this year: or afass Gas 5s 55 2 85 8414 85 stock dividend paid this Nat 5s 35 6734 84 671 year extra cash or stock dividend Nat Pub Sys 5s 78 76 20 18 18 paid since January I New Eng 0 5s 50 58 54 49 53 434s 137 7 8814 87721 877 Alumin Co 5s 52 10 9312 Am Cmwith Pow 6s 40 3 2 Am 5s 2028 169 8114 Am Pow 6s 2a1e 18 63 Am Roll 4i2s 33 18 6314 Appalach Pow 5s 56 8 8614 Ark Pow Lgt 53 56 5 82 Asso Elec 41s 53 16 37 Asso 5s 50 38 2314 Asso 5s 68 92 2214 Asso 414s 49 254 21 Assoc Ted 5128 44 19 1814 Bell Tel Can 5s 57 9 92 Cent Pub Svc 512s 49 30 1112 Cent St El 54 71 37 Cities Ser 55 50 242 38 Cities Svc Pow 514s 52 137 39 ComwIth Ed 45 81 21 7912 Consum Pow 4148 58 13 94 Cont Gas El 5s 58 A 40 5412 East Util Inv 5s 54 A 11 16 Elec 5s 2030 113 48 Empire 0 5128 42 12 43 Fla Pow Lt 55 54 15 6312 Gatineau Pow 5s 56 6 6714 Geo Pow 58 67 43 8112 Gillette 5s 40 18 96 Gulf Oil Pa 5s 37 7 9814 Il Pow Lt 5s 58 18 6234 Indnapls 5s 57 A 7 8812 Interl Sec Am 5s 47 14 50 Inters Pow 5s 57 10 60 Jet Cent 414s110 5 80 Lehigh 6s 2026 A 9 731a Mass Gas 5s 55 2 85 Nat 5s 20-30B 35 6712 Nat Pub Svs 5s 78 76 20 New En 0 53 50 58 54 414s 07 7 8814 'East Sta Pow 3 31'4 3 312 Bond Sh 802 1732 1514 1612 Fl Bond As Sh pf (8) 21 5214 59 71 pov As A (658) 2 7 632 6712 Share 2 432 414 434 Pord Can A 35 834 714 813 Ford Mot Ltd 97 4 312 3 3en El Ltd rot (204g) 2 14 14 712 'den Alden 4 1812 16 16 3oldman Sachs 61 2 2 214 at AEI nv (63413) 20 140 140 140 3ulf Oil Pa 31 38 361'2 37 Reda Min 3 312 312 312 Hudson Bay 8 15 212 214 214 4umb1e Oil (2) 28 232 212 214 nip oil can (12) 23 9 7'2 914 912 rnsull Util 19 32 3-16 Ins Co Am (2) 1 30 30 30 Enternat Pet (1) 26 1034 1014 11332 Enter Sup Pow (14) 2 812 812 814 rnter Util 3 132 132 114 Lehigh C80) 8 9-14 9 912 Lone Star Gas (64f) 17 732 7 114 Vemphis Gas 1 272 2712 232 Mid West Util 42 14 14 14 Nlo-Kans 8 9-16 12 9-16 at Avia 14 332 114 32 Nat Bond Sh (1) 2 2812 25 28 at Fuel (1) 9 1234 1214 1232 at Investors 23 332 27 a n12 Zinc (2 10 30 293'4 30 Newmont Min 16 13 12 -13 Steam (260) 3 43 42 43 Tel 61251 pf (614) 75 113 112 113 Slag Hud Pow 50 15 13'14 1414 Nor States A (8) 4 55 53 55 Pac West Oil 6 412 4 414 Parker Rust-Pr 1 20 20 20 Pennroad 54 22 212 214 Pilot Radio A 3 2 2 3 Pioneer Gold (12) 16 314 332 3 Pitney Bowes (4f) 3 3 272 3 Pitts PI GI -(1) 1 17 17 17 Plymouth 0 (12g) 6 9 914 9 Rep Gas 8 5-16 114 14 St Regis Pap 34 312 314 314 Salt Cr Prod (1) 7 432 432 434 Sec Al Corp (14g) 1 61's 812 612 Segal Lock 22 2 314 3 Selected Indus 7 112 1 1 Shenandoah 8 112 13i 114 Singer Mfg (8) 50 113 112 113 So Penn Oil (1) 8 1432 14 14714 Southland Roy (20) 3 4 4 4 St Oil Ind (1) 153 2332 2214 23114 St Oil KY (120) 15 1414 13 V2 14 St Pow Lt (130g) 1 8 8 8 Sunray Oil 7 2 12 Swift At Co (1) 21 1214 12 11 Swift Int (3) 41 22 2014 21 Tampa El 4224) 3 2614 26 2672 Teck-Hugh 0 (60) 8 334 372 Transcont Air 7 314 234 314 Trans-Lux 3 134 1 111 Unit Corp war 12 312 21'2 314 Unit Founders 118 112 114 112 United Gas 58 132 12 134 Un Lt Pow A 136 512 4 4112 Elec Pow 37 112 1 112 Utility Equities 10 214 1 214 ULU Power Lt 12 1 "2 114 DOMESTIC BONS (SALES IN SLOW Ala Pow 412s 67 11 78 74 76 Alumin Co 5s 52 10 9314 93 9312 Am emu1th Pow 6s 40 3 2 1 134 Am 58 2028 169 81114 7914 8114 Am Pow 6s 2(ge 18 63 8214 6214 Am Roll 412s 33 18 63121' 6012 63 Appalach Pow 5s 56 8 863 86 8634 Ark Pow Lgt 53 56 5 82 82 82 Asso Elec 414s 53 16 37 343 37 Asso 5s 50 38 2334 2212 2312 Asso 5s 68 92 2234 2014 22114 Asso 414s 49 254 21 1914 2014 Assoc Ted 5128 44 19 18 18 la Bell Tel Can 5s 57 9 92 903'4 92 Cent Pub Svc 514s 49 30 1172 1034 1134 Cent St El 5112s 54 71 37 3572 37 Cities Ser 5s 50 242 38 37 38 Cities Svc Pow 512s 52 137 39 3732 39 ComwIth Ed 48 81 21 7932 7814 7812 Consum Pow 412s 58 13 94 9314 9312 Cont Gas El 5s 58 A 40 541'2 53 54 East Util Inv 5s 54 A 11 16 15 16 Elec 5s 2030 113 48 4512 46 Empire 0 512s 42 12 43 4014 43 Fla Pow Lt 55 54 15 6312 8714 6814 Gatineau Pow Is 56 6 6714 67 67 Geo Pow Is 67 43 8112 8014 81 Gillette Is 40 18 96 96 96 Gulf Oil Pa 5s 37 7 98314 9814 Ill Pow Lt 5s 58 18 62114 62 8214 Indnapls 5s 57 A 7 8812 88 88 Interl Sec Am 5s 47 14 50 48 50 Inters Pow Is 57 10 60 5512 80 Jet Cent 414s110 5 80 834 7834 Lehigh 68 2026 A 9 7314 7212 7314 Mass Gas 5s 55 2 85 8412 85 Nat 5s 35 8714 84 6714 Nat Pub Svs 5s 78 76 20 18 1814 New Eng 0 55 50 58 54 49 53 4125 07 7 888 8734 8772 SglSS so A 14 5 a 514 514 Al 33 35 A2 15 15 Si 28 29 Al 1614 161i 8 8720 A 314 4 A 14 34 34 AVIta 114 114 A 14 14 14 A 12 26141 261'4 D2 18 20 A114 70 70 Al4 50 501S Al 714 734 A 15 1514 A 14 5 5 7 73i A 3i1 1114 A 114 114 A la l'z Va A114 434 5 A 14 2414 25 A3 1014 101a 11 14 A3 10 1034 A 3-32 15 16 A 14 48 48 A3 60 60 D1114 3634 38 3121 4 A 9 9 2 3it 2 14 A 6 6 Al'' 93 11 A 1 122 43) a 44 A134 1614 17 A 14 614 7 A 34 56 56 14 57 5714 15 1121 15 14 9 9 Al 1314 1414 A ye 26 34 26 34 1 14 70 70 Al 21i 2 A 14 1 1 24 2614 Al 14 1514 16 A '4 951 97' a A212 TRY ASURY RECTIrra NVASRTNGTON Aug 8 for Alzust 5 were $6822913 64: ex r-Atures 523777237 04) balance 1556518- 516 31 euxcorna dutles for live clays or Atiqust sere $4036252A)3 INVESTMENT TRUSTS FORT ERIE 2-Year- olds Canadian foaled 5 furlongs: Kittle 110131yen Sceptre Ill Surfun 104 MoneY Man 110 Spring Violet 115 'Fannie 11S Our Sonny 113 cAti lc Bird 104 a Phar Crest 172'xJean 110 bBeckle 104 aSot Crest 11 bCorsinag 113 cMatch Girl 104 Rock Roma 115 While entre b--Ridgewood Farm and New entry Stable entry 3-year-olds and UM Canadian foaled mile and 70 yards: Sphere of Beauty 107xKirkland Post 08 Kingsway 115-Manotacks lit Sun Bus 102 Lord Cardigan log xPar Excellence 104 Dan McCrimmon 104 Granite Rock 2 Earthen Jar 100 Oil Rite 10ElThe Hovel 102 Marie Gaiety 1151 THIRD-2-year-old maidens: 514 furionas: Nervous Lady 104Miss Agenstein lei) Fair Billy 1091aKhak0 John 102 Gamma Delta 116Baun Boy 105 MY Joanne 113 Ladykin 104 Half Saint 1 ll'Friend Charley 104 Tractable 1121Mynah 104 Polly Ewell IlTaBy The Sea 97 entry FOURTH-3-year-o1ds and up claiming 5g furlongs i xFort Worth Inettirbanity II 101 Miss 13agange 106'Ina Rage 103 DililliaS Lad 114 Fair Sun 113 Valiance 101 Barter 106 Hogarty 117 Mint Magi 108 3-year-olds and up Vs furlongs: Stefan Jr 1171MedwaY 111 Capacity 113 Kali MIDI 108 Scarlet Clover Big Blow 108 Federal Reserve 111Baboo 111 Gobi 100 xFair Jack 112 Altsheib 111 SIXTH-3-year-olds and up claiming 1 1-16 miles: i gliaPpen t102Wra lkli EICIdlo 1121Flying Zeno 11 4-Year-olds and 1) a miles: Marteau 110St Tuscan 113 xCabarna 105 Main Flieet lila Tramp agne 110Brild 113 Monocle 1131Boom Boom 107 Clear Sky -1071Georice de Mar lin Angry Lass 111 lAroolor a 113 Flo O'Neill 106Martinelli 105 Fire Brigade 113Briabt Day 111 klake Believe 113'Homel0ke 113 allowsnce clamed Weather clear track slow THISTLEDOWN 4RK 2-year-old maidens: 4 furlonvs: Maclaine 113'rgolode 113 Fonntain 113 Darkest Hour 118 Donna Linda 113 Never Quit 116 Smart Lrdy 111' Bell Cat 116 Orange Girl 113 Honor Bound 116 Daises Boy 116 Just Bud 116 Sister Madge 119' Singleani 113 Silver Streak 1161Cherkpn 113 Corvine 1131Northern Slin 114 i 3-year-olds and up 8 1 furionysi 1 xWater Lad 10910reat Artist lea xToitec 09 xDelina Dniin 104 Carrots 97i xDacite 111 xikry Nation 109' xAlamite 104 Principlo 114 Sir John 108 xJargon 081xDeerwood 07 Porale 1081 1 4-year-olds and up: 6 1 furlongs: Betty Bowman 108 Fair Falb lee Pro Consul 113 Utopias 113 1 The King 113' Master Sween 113 Daisy Buck 108' Transformation Tender Sneaker 1011Tollie Young 113 Harvard 1131Shawnee 7 113 Crasher 113' Stb1117er 113 Kinfolks 106 Light ning Girl Via MY Oma 108 Overbrook 113 3-year-olds and up mile and 40 yards: Golden Sandals xFiving Amb'sador105 xVggaries 93Siernchaser 110 xMill Hand 106' xMavro 109 xLuxurtate 96 sLaurie 105 165 High Snan Mg Mandell 106 Little Coventry 110 Trutheon 110 xPortunate Mannlo5 xSinging Kid 101' Bob 101 xHard Rock 1111Westy's Broom 105 3-Year-olds and up mile and 40 yards: xSanterno 96' krairment le5 xrit tie Hattie 101) Bogan 106 xFinnath 1011 Basha 112 Tang 1111 frifinitipi 103 XIticelardo 0131 Wild West 103 xBunivan 11 It Frankie 98 General Ormont WI Garden Seat 101 Vanity Case 101113oot1itnd 114 Brother Johnson 11019rury 106 4-year-ode and up: l'a miles: Arrowlike 19411cSany's Hour 99 xPotent 104 Nerbator itnq xSir Dean 110' Uold Hard 109 1(Va fall 104' EDIaa 111 xsniper 1071Laciv Sweet 90 yHends Un 104' Donald 107 119 71iista Flapper ea Jock Berry 109' Don 46 xpn 01in 10515llte Knee 110 SEVFNTH 3-year-olds and up Ita miles: xPrate 1191Poncorn ito xreen Kling 112' --tert 105 gureation lityficKim 115 kt7717pss bare FPS' Skibo 112 gYes Yes 1051 allowance claimed Weather clear track fast SARATOGA 2-year-oldel 51i furlongs: Ouickly 114')tildora 112 Welcome 116 Easv DAY 110 Screech 117 epee' Boat 114 conditione 3- yeAr-olds and up about 2 miles: IrCherry Brandy 138 xxThe Awakening 134 Cahirciveen 138 x0olden Meadow Goldair 1411rWhat Have You 148 Alnheini 148 Ir1sh Pullet 143 THIRD-3-year-0ds: 8 furlongs: pa rciee 110 vRegal Flag 193 xPla gi Trick tee Uncanny nu Innen Tewpo 10 PriO3iq1lee Pa Sun Spear 110 Tr o'VVar 119 3-year-o1ds and up furlongs: Pilate 102 clothe 104 Microphone 112 Heltaethla 117 3-year-o1d3 and up 1 mile: teem nhore 114'Sen "linear 112 Scuttle 112 Merrily On 112 Nor 114 MondaY 105 2-year-olds 512 fur-boos: Face to Foe Banner 104 Dark Amber 109 Filter 114 115 114 JMa tnlynag Ill rinNeilcl xVespa 11 114 11 Coat Tailti Guardian 117Tinema 111 xSatin Shoes 10' Money Myerson 7 11 4 gCrest a Run loaCalchaa 114 Fast Colors 109 allowance claimed Weather cloudy: track muddy SARATOGA Dania (Richards) 15-1 3-1 8-5 Frigate Bird 4 Robertson) 2-5 1-5 Backgammon (Beishak 1-5 Time 1:40 4-5 Scion Thursday Battering am Knockanamoor also ran SECOND-6 furlongs: Ragg CI'S (Coucci) 3-1 9-10 1-3 Errant (Bellizzi) 2-1 1-2 FlYing Cherokee (Hanford 3-1 Time 114 2-5 Squeaky kegula Baddun also ran 1i furlongs: Grand Time (Elston) 7-5 2-5 out Little Lad 4-5 out Bidora McTacgart) out Time 1:08 2-5 Okapi also ran FOURTH-111 ile! Masked Knight (Jones) 7-10 1-5 out Snao Back 1 Fields) 2-5 out War Hero (Gilbert) Out Time 1:40 War Plane also ran FIFTH-11's miles: Dociason (Bellizzi) 2-1 4-5 1-3 Prince Pest i Hainesworth) 1-1 2-5 MP reasite (Coacci) 3-5 Time 1:55 3-5 Laura Gal Sun Shadow also ran SIXTH-514 furlongs: Old Bald 1Jones) 9-5 4-5 2-5 Carry the News (Robertson) 5-2 6-5 Gritford (Hanford) 4-1 Time 1:08 War (Mary Cannon Lew Blessed Event Did She O'Neill Jacob's Ladder Jovious Century Lass Pure Fact Old Honesty also ran Int Shoe (3)-- 13 29l Int Silver 15 18 Int Tel Tel 551 Interst Dept Strs 4 4 Int 8 Pi XVit7) 10 34 Intertype 6 114 Island Crk 0(2) 3 15'4 Jewel Tea (4) 2 26-4 Johns-Manville 440 Johns-Man of (7) 350 70 of(4) 60 501i Kan City Sou 6 74 Kan 8 of (2) 5 26 Kaufmann D(80) 13 61'4 Kayser (1) 6 714 Kelly-Spring 62 2 Kelly-So etfa 30 134 Kelsey-Hay Wh 20 214 Kelvinator 65 5 Kendall of (6) 20 25 Kennecott 508 1114 Kimberly-CI 3 14 Kresge (El S) 176 II Kreug Toll 325 la Kroger Groc (1) 101 Laclede Gas Of 5) 20 48 Laclede Gas (6) 20 60 Lambert (5b) 45 39711 Lee Rub 7 4 Lehigh Port 0 1 9 Lehigh Val 10 214 Lehigh of 2 6 Leh Val RR 53 121a Lehman (240) 53 4614 Lehn Fink (2) 17 I714 Lib-O-Ford Gl 15 7 Ligg (4m) 2 56 Ligg 11(4m) 60 5814 Ligg My Pt 1 1514 Link-Belt (SO) I 9 Liquid carb (2) 17 1474 Loew's 154 9 Loew'g of 1615 I 70 Loft 16 3 Long-Bell A 100 1 Loose-W Bis (2m) 48 28 Lorillard(Pt(120) 307 103a Lorillard of (7) 7 974 Louisiana Oil I Louis Nash 14 1912 Louis 12 18:4 Ludlum St1 12 64 Mack Trucks (I) 64 10'a Macy (RID (2m) 72 3614 Mad Sq Oar I 314 Magma Cop (V2) 7 8 Mallinson 4 7i Manati Sug 20 3 a Manati Suit of 30 Mann RY gtd(7) 20 30 Mani) Mod gtd 14 81a Manh Shirt 10 5 Maracaibo 0117 2 I Marine Midl (80) 36 104 Marlin-Rock (I) 2 9 Marmon Mot 3 1 Marsh Field 46 73lt Math Alkali (IVal 50 164 May 8 (I) 11 154 Maytag 8 2 Maytag of sw I 4 Maytag of wW 1 5 McCall (2) 17 18 McIntyre (114) 18 1734 McKeesport 7'41 130 47141 McKess Rob 13 3 AlcKess Rob Id 7 69) McLellan Strs 18 McLell Strs of 20 15 Melville Sh (1201 3 11 Mengel I 24 Metro-d Widai 5 1918 Miami Cop 8 31a Mid-Coat Pet 46 734 Midland Stl 17 61i Minn St 1 14 alinn-Mol 15 Minn-M Imo ot 5 Minn St 3 3 Mo-Kan-T 21 5 Mo-K-T of 35 141a Mo Pao 65 5 Mo Pac of 88 914 Mohawk Cot 1 8 1 Monsanto 141 8 25 1Montstom Ward-1237 12'i Mother Lode 10 Yt 1Mob Met Gau 3 Motor Prod (2) 14 1511 Motor Wheel 7 51 Mullins Mfg 29 10 Mullins of 210 20 Murray Corp 88 41i' Nash Mot (2) 202 16 ouisiara 011 1 112 Nash 14 1912 Anis 12 18'4 12 64 (lack Trucks (1) 64 19 lacy (RFD (2m) 72 3673 Mad Sq Oar 312 Magma Cop 12) 7 8 4 14 (lanat Sug 20 3a Slanati Sug of 30 Slanh RY gtd7) 20 30 tanti Mod gtd 14 812 Manh Shirt 10 5 klaracalho (3117 2 1 Marine Midi (ao) 36 1012 (larlin-Rock (1) 2 9 Marmon Mot 3 1 Marsh Field 46 733 Math Alkali (112) 50 1634 klay 8 (1) 11 1514 Maytag 8 2 Staytag of kw 1 4 Maytag of ww I 5 McCall (2) 17 18 McIntyre (113) 18 1733 SlcKeesport T4) 130 4714 MeKess Rob 13 3 McKess Rob Pi 7 612 McLellan Strs 18 2112 McLell Strs of 20 15 Melville Sh (I20) 3 11 Mengel 1 212 Metro-0 14(189) 5 1918 Miami Cop 32 Mid-Cont Pet 46 734 Midland Stl 17 6's Minn 1 13 Minn-Mol Imo 15 213 Minn-M Imp pt 5 1414 Minn St 3 3 Mo-Kan-T 21 5 Mo-K-T of 35 1412 Mo Pao 65 5 Mo Pao of 88 9 114 Mohawk Cot 1 8 Monsanto (1121 8 25 Montgom Ward 1237 1233 Mother Lode 10 12 Moto Met osu 3 33 Motor Prod (2) 14 1512 Motor Wheel 7 514 M11111138 Mfg 29 10 Mailing of 210 20 Murray Corp 88 412 Nash Mot (2) 202 16 SPV a 2914 NEW YORK Aug 11 i'4A---7nvestment trii3 securities Over the counter market Bid Asked Am Como Tr S'r3 a 2i4 34 Ars--se Stand 01 4 42 Nat Inv 8'1 1212 Ce7ra1 Nat Ccry A 1Va 15 C-ra rate Trust 190 Corrate Trust A A 179 195 CNtxrate Tr-ust Arcum Set 119 195 Crum it Toter 7 12 Crum Ar Post Ins 5 6 Crum At Pcst Ins 7 pf 56 63 Perms Bk Scrs 160 Diversited Tr A 7si Tr rsLed Tr 220 24 tuversif7P4 TV 37'8 414 Piked Trust Sh A 6's 1--0-2 Irwevots 13ta lik4 Invest Trustee Sia 3'a Inest Tr 14r's 15'S Mutual Inv Tr A 314 414 Nor Mn Tr Sharvs 182 ur A Tr 1955 188 200 Nor Am Tr Sh 1956 190 210 Northern Secur 25 35 011 Snares units 5 Penres Tr Shrs 659 697 Seiected Cumul Sh 51-i 57ii of Am Tr A 275 uurr of An Tr 2 85 F3sr of Ana Tr 480 520 Siuer of Am Tr 450 490 Trust Stirs of A-rn 23i 278 Trutee Stand Inv 0 180 195 Tiustee Stand Inv 175 1390 Two Year Trust Sh 6 9'- l'S Eiec Lt A Pow A 14 14'2 33-4 87 8714 88 86 89 89 10314 103 6614 67 60 8012 69 6912 9814 9914 9312 9814 5734 571 86 86411 89 89 10314 103 6614 67 60 6014 69 6914 9814 9914 9:314 9814 5714 5714 EXHIBITION GAME AT MOORE PARK Civic League All-Stars Play Tonight The fast-stepping Safe() club from the American League Flamingo park faces an all-star diamondball team from the Civic Club League in a special exhibition game arranged for this evening at Moore park The contest will be the second game of a twin bill the Railway Clerks playing the Shriners in a regular Civic Club League game at 730 The all-stars made an impressive showing against Piggly Wiggly of the National League last week losing in the ninth inning 8 to 7 The Saco players first half champions in the Miami Beach circuit are expecting stern opposition this evening and will start their strongest lineup Ed Moylan or Al Powell will begin on the mound for the all-stars with Austin Younts tossing for Salm itili Liti i a A UM CONTRACT Providing a III aximu in Guaranteed Income for Life at the age you desire for a zninimum annual semiannual or quarterly saving now INVESTIGATE IT! HARVEY PAVE Maumee Ordinary Department --y )1 The rprprotTIAL 41-: CO OF li-NILRICA 70541 Seybeld ti(Lt? 1 6 1134 INV 1111R manar 138 114 1612 1814 A134 18 18112 A 34 512 6 A 33 1612 1712 A114 33 35 Al12 314 31'4 733 75a A 14 la 78 A 14 38 312 Pa 112 Al12 2912 30 8 8 112 418 5 A 13 1 1 12 10 1012 9 9 1 1 713 713 13 5'11 1334 112 A21'4 15 1534 A 3'4 3 2 A 34 4 4 A134 5 5 Al 16 18 Al 1633 1713 A vo 4318 46 A218 234 3 A 13 6 34 112 233 Al14 15 15 A3 11 11 A 13 214 212 's 18 1912 A112 312 312 612 7 534 5314 14 14 212 214 14 14 1414 A 13 3 3 A 13 414 414 A 58 1212 1312 A134 334 413 A 7a Vi4 9'4 A133 8 8 A 112 24 25 A212 10 1133 14 33 A 'a 3a 501 A 3 14112 1434 A 312 5 514 A 12 Ei 87a A 3a 19 19 A 13 313 414 A 3 1312 1434 A 34 Nash Ch St I 40 1812 1412 1813 Alla Nat Acme 9 213 214 273 A Nat Bisc (280) 173 4012 3512 3853 A112 Nat Cash A 50 1134 1034 11 A Nat Da Pr (2) 517 2312 2112 22 A 13 Nat Dept Strs 3 a A 112 Nat Distill 2) 1 2434 2113 23 Al Nat Lead (5) 2 73 70 73 A3 Nat Ld of A (7) 110 103 102 103 A114 Nat (1) 259 134 1212 1233 A 12 Nat Sit 41) 32 2212 2112 2212 A 312 Nat SUPPLY 2 8 8 8 Nat Sup of 40 25 24 25 A3 Nat Surety 18 107's lOvis 1014 A 33 Nat TeEl (60) 20 9 723 814 A112 Nev Con Cop 14 512 512 512 Newport Indust 12 2 14 2 A 14 New Orl 80 10 934 10 tn80l2 Newton SU 5 4112 334 373 12 Central 891 224 1914 2012 A114 chi StL 50 733 4 613 A713 chlkst I Of 21 834 8 Al14 Dock 1 5 5 5 Har (5) 120 loali 105 10812 DI Investors 4 112 112 113 NYNH At 217 17 1412 15 AI4 NYNHof 11 36 35 3553D 38 Ont 33 8 614 712 A 312 14 Shiphltig 8 312 312 314 A 39 ship of (7 20 35 3412 35 A7 Noranda 5111231 30 1612 16 1614 14 Norfoik 8) 18 8914 82112 87 A4 Nor! of(4) 170 72 71 72 Al No Am Aviat 26 2'8 214 2 North Am (1050 324 29118 2614 2712 A '12 North Am of (3) 3 41 41 41 Al No Am Ed Pt 6) 4 72 6914 72 A3 Northern Pac 230 1933 1434 1712 A234 Ohio Ott (20g) 73 1012 934 10 Oliver Farm 48 3'3 212 3 Oliver pi of 8 733 713 12 Omnibus 7 3La 213 312 A 53 Oonenheim Coll 4 32 312 312 D114 Orpheum of 20 934 934 914 A133 Otis Elev (112) 123 1614 1514 16 A 13 Otis St1 43 31a 3 31tt A la Otis Sti pr of 280 91-3 813 9 A '2 Owens-Ill 01 2) 23 2212 2155 2133 A 34 Pao 0 El 52 2812 2612 2714 A 14 iii St I 40 Nat Acme 9 Nat Rise (280) 173 Nat Cash A 50 Nat Da Pr 517 Nat Dept Strs 3 Nat Distill 421 71 Nat Lead (5) 2 114 114 'a 1614 1814 AP 18 1812 A 34 514 6 A 1i 1614 1714 A114 33 35 it146 314 314 0 751 A 14 la 87 A 44 So 3a Pa 8114 29 30 8 8 a 2 'it A 11 Oppenheim 4 312 312 312 D114 Orpheum pi 20 934 934 9'-)4 A134 Otis Eiev tali) 123 16'4 1530 16 A 14 Otis 6t1 43 352 3 31i A 14 Otis Sti pr pi 280 92 81z2 9 A 12 Owens-Ill 01 12) 23 2212 2154 2134 A 34 0 As El -(2) 52 2e 2612 274 A 54 rac El 42) 52 28-'4 28-a 274 A 14 a Nor State Pow 414s GI 6 8714 Ohio Pow 4l4s 56 -2 8638 Pao 41-5 57 4 8912 Phila El Pow 5148 72 4 10334 Pug Sd 5143 49 14 6714 Shawing 41487013 11 61 SEP 6s 2025 A xw 49 70 South Cal Fd 53 51 17 9914 South Cal Ed 55 54 23 99 stand 0 es 35 19 5914 Standard Lt 6s 57 17 49 Tex El Sve 5s 60 6 8214 Tex Lt 5s 56 1 84-14 Union Gulf Corp 5s 50 13 95 Un Lgt RYS 51as 52 27 47 Nor State Pow 412s 61 6 8714 Ohio Pow 4112s 56 2 862 Pac 412s 57 4 89 Phila El Pow 512s 72 4 10334 Pug Sd 51-25 49 14 6714 Shawing 412870D 11 61 SEP 6s 2025 A xw 49 70 South Cal Fd 5s 51 17 9914 South Cal Ed 5s 54 23 99 Stand 0 es 35 19 5914 Ohio Pow 42s 56 1 86 Pac 57 4 8914 Phi la El Pow 5148 72 4 10314 Pug Sd 5l2 49 14 6714 Shawing 41487013 11 61 SEP 6s 2025 A xw 49 70 South Cal Fd 5s 51 17 9914 South Cal Ed 5s 54 23 99 Stand 0 as 35 19 5914 Standard Lt 6s 57 17 49 Tex El Svc 5s 60 6 831'4 Tex Lt 5s 56 1 8414 Union Gull Corp 5s 50 13 95 Un Lgt RYS 5s 52 27 47 Marseilles 8s 34 2 10412 10412 1041'S Met Water 512s 50 10 59 5812 5812 Milan City fltas 52 4 4311 7412 7412 Minas Geraes 6128 59 3 10 10 10 New South Wales 58 57 23 6734 67 87 North Ger Lloyd 6s 47 1 3434 3434 3434 Norway 5s 63 10 72112 72-12 7212 Nor'weg Hyd El 512s57 1 67 69 69 Panama 5s 63 A 4 59 59n 59 Par-Lyons Med as 58 2 103 103 103 Par-Or! RR 5128 68 11 10291 102 102 Peru 1st 6s 60 4 512 512 512 Poland Os 50 1 5512 5534 554 Poland 78 47 10 49 4734 49 Prussia 68 52 20 3534 35312 3534 Rhine West es 55 Ww 16 4234 423'4 4234 Rio de Jan 612s 53 3 712 712 712 Rome 1312s 52 10 8134 Ply givz Royal Dutch 4s 45 2 84 8312 8312 Sao Paulo St 78 40 25 56 55 55 Sax Pub Wks 7s 45 7 42 42 42 Sax Pub Wks 6128 51 26 3834 3734 3834 Serbs Cts Slov 78 62 16 32 30112 32 Siemens Os Hal 6125 51 1 5312 53112 5312 Sweden 51128 54 19 90 5 90 90 38 Swiss 512s 40 11 10334 10334 10312 Toho El Pow 78 55 2 5112 5112 5112 Tokio City 5125 61 1 4912 49112 4912 Tokio El Lt 65 53 4 4134 4012 40ss Ungava El Pow 78 45 2 57112 5714 5712 Ift SU Wks 6128 51 A 14 3114 30112 2012 Uruguay 6s 60 2 2712 27 27 Vienna City es 52 5 51 50 5034 Westph tin Pl 68 53 9 3121 31 21 Yokohama gs 61 biri 5112 5-112 Total sales I14698000: previous daY S725o000: week ago $11362o00: year Pg:) $7278000: two years eco $5923 1-1119: JanuRry 1 to date 81840923000: Same two years ago s1690760000 same two Years ago I1721286000 NAVAL STOBEst SAVANNAH Aug 8 firm 2624: sales 121: shipments 3335 stock 12893 Resin firm sales- 826! receipts 1308: shipments 8980 stock 179629 Quote: 210 215 225 IP 2 32-235: I 235: 245-250: Al 300-305 345-350 WG 410: WW 480 BAR SILVER wrw YORK Aug 8 silver steacir higher at 271a DEMPSEY TO BOX IN MEXICO TIJUANA Mexico Aug 8 (11---Jack Dempsey has agreed to fight here Labor day Joe Levy Tijuana promoter announced yesterday The match would be held in the Foreign club arena Levy said he expected to name Dempsey's opponent this week MRS MOODY TO STAY IN PARIS PARIS Aug 8 VP)--The Paris edition of The New York Herald-Tribune said today Mrs Helen Wills Moody an flounced she intended to stay here rather than return to the United States to defend her tennis crown MIAML FLORIDA EDWARD OFIFIFED Pres Home Office Newark -CLIP----- Tell Ms About Your Income E'er Life EDWA klomi Tell Name Address Age Retirement Ave Name Address Ate fISURANCE -on SEE US FOR SAVINGS ON CITY TAXES AND LIENS COFFEE NEW YORE Aug 8 (P)----Coffee was steady today as a result of light but consistent buying for the account of local trade houses on continued unsettlement in the Brazilian political situation and the diminishing supply of coffee In stock and afloat Selling was scattered -No 7 contracts Opened 2 higher and closed 5 to 7 higher Sales 4000 Santos opened 3 to I higher and closed unchanged to 7 higher Sales 14000 Closing quotations No 7 contracts: September 649 December 599: March 587 May 580 Santos: September 9-83: December 886 March 856: May 844 Spots quiet and unchanged Rio 7s 8-4 Santos 4s 11t4 IFISTALLEIENT Examples Of -Scrriee Charges SW it Mm Cost t213 $IOO I Mo Cost 3075 300 Premium-10 Ma Cost $1809 47 4314 8114 8214 8414 8414 95 95 45 47 Rub 6s 33 17 84 8114 82 West Tex Util 5s 57 A 15 47 45 47 'Total stock sales 460-000 shares: total stock sales year ago 153315 shares total bond sales 85090000 total bond sales year ago $1432000 sale sloes ex-dividend date or dates: Plus -extra or extras extra or extras In scrip last year in stock so tar this year: or stock: extra cash or stock dividend paid since January 1 rule Warrants Without warratits this year: or stod cash or stock dividend nal 1 rule Wa ilout warrants Complete facilities for handling all details Offices located right opposite Court House MIAMI BONDS FOR SALE Six-Eight-Tea Months To Pay FIRE-WIND-AUTO PREMIUMS 1 ED WRIGHT CO MSS 'NAVAL STORES JACKSONVILLE Fla Aug pentine firm 37 sales 287 receipts 521 shipments 100: stock 41727 Resin firm: sales 501: receipts 1440 shipPac merits 55 stock 176856 Rao Ltg (3 44 3814 38 3612 A112 Quote: 200 2 10: 2 25 and Pao (7) 450 7754 78 654 A 14 235: I 2 40 1E 2 50 310i 160 sc SCS) SO SS 91 SS Al WO 4-ai WW 480 Z9 444 merits 55 stock 176858 Pao Lta (3i 44 384 38 382 A12 Quote: 200 2 10 2 25 and Pao 40 7774 78 WA A 14 235: I 2 40 3 50 310i 1'4 160 Pod 114) SS SS 911 Sa Al VG 4-15i VW 480i Z4 484 Incil AGENTS 206 Lorraine Arcade Phone 2-6144 206 Lorraine Arcade Phone 2-6144 62'W Flag ler St Oppo8ite Court House Phone 2-3735 Lemmiemmennommersamommomomommogewsommosse-.
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