The Courier from Waterloo, Iowa (2024)

TUESDAY, ArRIL 1, 1830 WATERLOO DAILY COURIER. WATERLOO. IOWA BUGHANAM COURT AS Oil WELL Sunday Theatres Win Favor from Fayette Voters Woman Mayor, Council Victors Again at Bassett Frederick Elected as Conrad's Mayor fCaiirief Service) ponrad, la. Harry Frederick Is mayor of Conrad as result of the biennial balloting of Monday. Charles Clark Is the assessor and council members are R.

E. Newton, L. n. Canfleld, Ben Wllhelni, Ocorgo Allen, Frank Bostal, CLARKSVILLE RETAINS FRANK FISHEL AS MAYOR (t'ourtaf Special Service Clarksvtlle, la. All the candidates on tlie Citizens' ticket were re-elected Monday, except J.

P. Martin, councilman, who was defeated by James V. Rambo by a vote of 170 to 176. The mayor la Frank Flshel; P. W.

Hurd, E. B. Stephenson, Fred Boss and Ray 8. Asher are the other councllmen re-elected; O. O.

Porter, assessor, and W. N. Roberts, treasurer. SLAYER ELECTROCUTED. Bcllefonte, Pa.

U.Rl Ralph Russell Bloat, 29, convicted of slaying John Lowry, 20-year-old taxlcab driver of Bcranton, paid with his life In the electric chair at Rockville penitentiary Monday. CLERKS I EXPRESS James ML Edwards Chief 'of Heights Municipal Staff If'nurtpf Sj edol 6mca) Cedar Heights, la. At the city election Monday Jamas M. Edwarda was elected mayor and the other officers are as follows: Councllmen, P. N.

LlttreU, A. W. Mullan, Earl W. Manning, C. W.

Kirkpatrlck, It. M. Corbin. R. L.

Btetzel. Treasurer, Miss Maye Foote. Assessor, John 11. Meyer. Bitssell.

la --Mrs. Irene Tucker, mavor here for three terms, was re IT'S ft PUZZLE Judge Hasncr Names One and Board Gets Even by Naming Another for Office. FOR GREAT FIRE Company Orders Employes to Flee as Large Territory Becomes Oil Flooded. Dumont Votes 2 Mills for Hand 'ouciwr ftpcnal Service Payette, la. -Showing of motion pictures on Sundays will be permitted In this town for the first time as result of the popular vote of Monday, In which tlie favorable vote was 223 and the negative 107.

Fayette, seat of Upper Iowa university, formerly a Methodist EpLsco-pal institution of higher learning, never has had Buiiday shows. Y. A. Hoyt Was elected mayor. elected Monday, with tlie backing oft her Hll-lenilinne council, tlio none had filed nominations and the voters) wire obliged to write namci of Uielr favorites for all offices Clifford Ynuiii, elected treasurer liv an almost unanimous vote, will be unable to serve.

He is postmaster fCirtrf Arm ui. Senxca. Dumont, la. A band tax of 2 mills was approved by popular vote at tho 'municipal election Monday. here.

Whether Mrs. Turker and her women aids will serve was a moot qu'Mion Monday after the polls had closed. Mrs. Tucker had previously announced, in refusing l. file, that she would serve if elected with all her council.

THEY BOTH WIN! -THE APPROVAL OF HUNDREDS Women Defeated by Men Rivals in Waucoma Voting Oklahoma City. Mary Bud'X well, unruly monster of i the South City field. Miapptd all connections before dusk here i Mondnv and flowed unchei ked, threatening the nch Mid-Coin -ineut 1 field with iro and paused work on other protects Ihe Held be baited. Hundreds of slicker-clad laborers I worked In pi! waist deep In an at- tempt to check the geyser which rises skyward 200 feet, spraying the countryside with oil. A souUi- nut.

wind corned dense cloud, of i United Fruit Co. Free Delivery Open Evenings Phone 464 11S F.ant Fourth St. SPECIAL WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY Large can Pineapples 24o Large can Apricots or Peaches 18c Good Coffee, lb. 20c; Butternut Coffee 42c Campbell Pork Beans, 3 cans 25c Pure Cane Sugar, 10 lbs 55c 25 lb. cloth sack $1-45 Blue Ribbon, Puritan or Budweiser Malt 5 lbs.

Flour 19c; 24y2 lbs 85c Pink Salmon, 2 cans Good Sweet Corn, 3 cans 25c 2 lbs. Raisins 17c; 2 cans String Beans 25c "2 lbs. Soda or Graham Crackers 29c 3 cans Milk 25c or 3 cans Red Beets 25o Large bottle Snider's Catsup 19c Jello, 3 pkgs. 22c; Navy Beans, 2 lbs 17o Iodized Salt, 2 pkgs 15c Macaroni, Spaghetti and Noodles, 4 for 25c Also a full line of other Groceries, Fruits and Vegetables with Special Prices. Srieelot Independence.

Ia. Buchanan county Monday had a pair of county clerk and frankly it didn't know what to do with one of them. Saturday DLstilct Judge Ralph Hastier appointed .1. E. Holden to fill the unexpired term of Burr K.

McFarlane, 'resigned. Late Monday the county board of supervisors took it upon Itself to appoint Ray S. Komnieier. an ex-servtce man and a candidate for tlie office on tlie Republican ticket at the June primary. Judge Hasncr, In appeintlng Hold-en.

anno'd Attorney General John Flf'trher oad ruled his appointment within the law. The board, however, saw things differently and appointed Kemmerer. The next move was up to someone, but Monday night no one seemed to know Just who that someone should be. Doubtful Votes Discarded to End Parkershurg Tie GAN MOR roir-iee Spcciul Sert I Waucoma, la. The all-woman ticket headed by Mrs.

Qrace Sherman, whose platform was dissatisfaction with the administration of men officers in recent years, was defeated Monday, 140 to 47 Dr. V. C. Willis was elected mayor, with all his ticket. AS MAYOR OF WATERLOO gas and till Into Oklahoma City, and miles distant.

The geyser was cheeked early Monday when workmen succeeded in placing ft capping gate fit the casing -head. This connection became loosened shortly before and was wrenched from tlie collar. Btorm warnings ported by the weather bureau, added to the tenseness of the situation. Spectators were ordered from tlie field mid company officials began to move their records and ordered employes to move their families and belongings to Oklahoma City. Should a bolt of lightning strike the column It was considered likely Uie entire field would become afire.

DENNIS KING Citizens' Ticket Wins at Tripoli Ctrrf t'dl Sen ice) Parkershurg. In, -Heeount of tlie balot.s cast for the ofilce of aissessor, the only contested position in Monday's election here, resulted in discarding four doubtful votes formerly credited to William who on the first count was. tied wlth'Wil-lmm Tlirasher. The count Monday night gave 101 votes to each man and It was then indicated a coin's toss would decide the victor. Eleven ballots were scattered between men who were not candidates.

James Bpain was elected mayor without opposition. AS THE GOLDEN VOICED HERO Tripoli, la. The Citizens' ticket won every place In the municipal i election here Monday, in which 416 Kollnta nroro runt. V. I.

MrOimbp.r Northeast Iowa Mayors Elected at Monday Polls of Paramount 's Operatic Color Sensation, and ardent romance of a bold love. was elected mayor, with 229 votes to 182 for Ed Johnson, his opponent. Blonde "Trigger Woman's" lover to Die in Chair i pi naw J. H. WRACE AGAIN CHOSEN MAYOR OF CLADBROOK MONDAY Newcastle, Pa.

(U.R Glenn Dague, bandit lover of Irene Schroeder, "blond trigger woman," was found guilty of first degree murder Monday night for the shooting of Corporal Brady Paul of the state police As the Jury's verdict, reached after two hours' deliberation, parried no recommendation for mercy. Dague will be sentenced to die In the electric chair. Irene Schroeder was sentenced to death recently for the same killing. fCourer Speclnl Servir) Oladbrook, la The election here Monday resulted in the return of J. Wrage as mayor, who received 288 votes to 136 for J.

H. Steffe. Wrage. who was the candidate on the Citizens' ticket, carried ail his counrilmen Into office with the exception of Ray C. Allard, who was elected with a vote of 252.

C. S. Harms was elected treasurer and Claus Dressen assessor. A total of 439 votes were cast. Aekley-Fred E.

Trainer, Citizens'. Allison George Arnold. Aplington F. H. Btukenberg, Citizens', Arlington J.

W. Ruble, Bnstow O. C. H.

G. Addie. mayor. Dumont F. W.

Noelting, Dunkerton R. A. Hazel. Elkader W. W.

Davidson. Fairbank John Gardner. Frederika Roy Barber. Fredericksburg A H. Milne.

Grundy Center Harold Wilson. Hudson -R. Mueller. Ionia Peter Herzog. sr.

Janesvllle Charles Bye. Jesup J. P. Wagner. La Porte CUyF.

W. Kober. Parkershurg James Spain, mayor; William Thrasher, William Gutknecht. assessor. Relnbeck B.

L. Robinson. Shell Rock A. D. Scnugal.

St. Ansgar E. R. Tessman. Strawberry Point H.

A. Axtell. Sumner Henry C. Frank, Citizens'. Urbana G.

W. Wheeler. Wadena F. H. Meyer, C.

C. Snif-fin. mayor. West Union E. C.

Johnston. Wellsburg J. L. Fisher. Winthrop Marcus Dunlap, Morrison Writes Names In; Mayor Loses by 1 Vote i nunef no' Ferr u-f I Morrison, la.

This town voted longhand Monday, escaping a tie on the office of mayor by one vote. C. A. Bilffington was chosen to tlie office, receiving 30 of the 60 votes cast. R.

W. MeCurdy, incumbent, got 29. The stray vote was lor Wayne Morrison. The change in time for filing nominations for office was overlooked in Morrison this spring, with result there was no formal presentation of candidates. All votes were by writing names of candidates on the blank ballots issued at the polls.

Wellsburg Will Spend $15,000 on Water Works JEANETTE MAC DONALD AH humanity now bows before this masterpiece of Romantic Serwn Perfection. You, too, will acclaim it. Hurry! Hurry! Yen must see It! Prices this engagement 35c till 3 m. 50c till 7 p. m.

75c thereafter, Eve. Balcony 50c. Shows-start 12:00, 1:47. 4:15, 6:37, 8:59. Last feature at 9:43.

Hills Bros" vacuum park' ing process seals in all the flavor produced by roasting coffee Jew pounds at a time JI'. W. Davidson Is Elected Mayor in Elkader Balloting POORS OPEN 11; 15 A. Vflpr ol Srri.v 1 Elkader. W.

W. Davidson was elected mayor without opposition in Monday's municipal election here, which drew a total vote of Counrilmen chosen were John Bahr. George Ehrhardt. P. J.

Hyde, W. J. Jeffers and Alfred Schneider. A. J.

Johnson was elected treasurer. The only contest, was for the office rf assessor. Ed H. Ehrhardt, running independently, winning over the nominee of the cltiuens' caucus, B. E.

Abel, 197 to 59, Maynard Names Parson. Maynard. la A. W. Parson was elected mayor of this place in Monday's municipal election.

He was unopposed. TUESDAY M.S WEAK New fork WI (NBC Chain) 6.00 Voters' Service 130m. Also WWJ WOW WDAF WSMB WHO. 7:00 Bones of the Sraiwn, Vocal and Orciieatra Also WSAI. 7:30 NlKhthawlts Frolic Also WOY WWJ WON WOW WDAF WKY WHO.

00 Relnald WerrenrathWOY WTAM WWJ WON WHO WDAF WSMB ISO Bakers- Also WGY WTAM WWJ WHO WOW WDAF WKY. 8:00 Marimba Orchestra Also WWJ KSD WOW. 30 Radio Vaudeville Also WOY WWJ WHO WOW WSMB WKY WTAM WDAF. 10 30 Phil Spltatny'a Dane Music Also WWJ WOW KSD WDAF WABC New York MO (CBS Thaln) 6 30 Manhattan Mood. Old and New Songs WOHP WMT.

7:00 Orommlt Sanderson Also KMBC WMT. 7:30 Romany Patteran Also WADO KMOX KOIL KMBC. 8.00 Paul Whlteman-AIso WAOC WBBM KOIL KMBC WCCO WMT. OO Mr and Mrs Also WADC WOWO WBBM KMOX KMBC WCCO 8 30 Columbia Bvmphony Also WADC. 30 Musical Comedy Memories -WOWO WBBM KMOX KOIL.

WCCO. 10:00 Weem Oreh, Also WHK KOIL KMBC WMT 10:30 Bert Lown'B Dance Orchetra--Also WADC KMBC WCCO WMT. 3M.S WJZ New York ISO (NBC Chain) SO Lew White Organ Recital -Also WREN KWK. 7:00 Vincent Lopes Orch Also KDKA WJR KYW WSM. 7:30 Around the World.

Mme Merle A1- cock. Contralto KDKA WJR WLW KYW WSMB. 8 00 Musical Melodrama Also KDKA KYW WLW. 8:30 Radio Show. Vocal and Orchestra Also KDKA WJR KYW 8.00 The Salute.

Cesare fiodero Orchestra Also KDKA WJR KYW WSMB WKY. 8.30 Billy Duly Directs. Dance Band Please U- Grocery 322 EAST FOURTH ST. 1802-Phone-1802 Free Delivery on $3.00 or Mere Purchase. Less than $3.00 a 10c rbaige.

Phene orders received hv 3:00 M. delivered aame day. Wednesday- SPECIALS -Thursday i owiet Sprcial Wellsburg, la. Fifteen thousand dollars will be expended in maintaining, reconstructing and extending the municipal water supply system as result of approval of a bond issue In that amount at Monday's election. J.

L. Fischer was chosen mayor, with the following on his ticket; H. J. Prertchs. treasurer; H.

G. Gerdes, assessor; Ben Neesen. H. B. Kool-man.

Miner Haack. H. H. Doyen. D.

W. Rekema was elected thru les written on the ballots. No OTHER coffee tastes like Hills Bros. Coffee because none ia roasted the same way. By their patented, continuous process Controlled Roasting Hills Bros, roast only a few pounds at a time never in bulk.

Fresh from the original vacuum pad. Easily opened with the key. lurrMi lOO A Ca Pure Lbs. 1 ICUllUUl gCI ish, For. R.

R. WAITE RETAINS MAYORSHIP AT NASHUA v- 4.4 VS. a. AVWAll Band Tax Adopted at Fredericksburg 8 LB. PAIL PURE T.

A $1.15 HILLS BROS COFFEE fTourirr S'jk rial Sen ice Nashua, la. R. R. Walte was reelected mayor of Nashua Monday, receiving 141 votes to 129 for D. Taylor.

The entire council was reelected with Mayor Waite, Lamb Chops br 30c Fredericksburg, la. Eighty-seven voters approved the 2-mill band Ux proposal submitted at Monday's polls, while la opposed. C1930 Pork Shanks, 2 lbs. for 25c Bacon Squares, sugar cured, lb. 16c Sliced Bacon, sugar cured, Oranges doz.

35c amo Jf OS 626 Sycamore St. Lb. Can Crisco With a Measuring Glass Free 3 89c Taxing the Railroads The taxes placed upon the railroads of the United States tor 1929 exceeded 400 million dollars. Railway taxes first exceeded 100 million dollars in 1911. Tn 1917 they exceeded 200 jnil-lion.

Tn 1922 they exceeded 300 million. Now they arc more than 400 million. In eighteen years they have increased from $280,000 a day to $1,100,000 a day. Everyone uses railway service in some form and thus helps to pay the taxes that are collected from the railroads. Tn 1913 the average dollar paid, tn the railroads for freight and passenger service bought 96.2 cents of transportation, the tax collectors taking 3.8 cents.

In 1929 the average dollar paid for railway service bought only 93.7 cents of because the tax collectors took 6.3 cents. On the average, railway employes to the number of 377.500, with 54,200 miles of railtoad, 12,700 locomotives, 11,600 passenger-train cars, 506,700 freight cars and other railway facilities to a total value of $6,000,000,000. worked all last year not for the owners of the railroads but to earn the money to pav railway taxes. This statement is made in order to give the real payers of railway taxes information to which we believe they are entitled. Constructive criticism and suggestions are invited.

L. A. DOWNS, President, Illinois Central System. CHICAGO, April 1, 1930. TWO STORES 504 Commercial St.

Specials for Wednesday and Thursday Flour Peanut Butter, quart jar Libby's Catsup, large 20c Lipton's Blk. Tea, lb. can. 93c Premier Coffee 212can 3 Lb. Bag of 65c 38c 25c 2Sc 29c 25c $1.23 r- Per lb.

LB. V-U1 Wnft.flr.Niit.. CREAMERY BUTTER, Per pound CREAM CHEESE, Per pound CORN or PUMPKIN, 3 cans for COD FISH, 16 ounce pkg CHOICE RICE, 4 pounds for OATMEAL, Large box FANCY BEETS, 2 cans for Pillsbury's Health Bran, 18c Pettijohn's, package 25c Quaker Yellow Corn Meal, pkg. 12c Also KDKA REN 10:00 Slumber Music. String Ensemble (1 hr.i- AIso KDKA WREN.

10.30 Amoe-Andv Onlv to WMAQ KYW WKY WDAF WSMB. 10:45 Prohibition Poll Onlv W8MH WKY. 11:00 Wayne King and His Dane Orchestra 11 hr.t Also KYW WJR 29S.9 KYW Chicago 1010. 8.00 Orchestra Sammy ii Saliy. 6 30 Orchestra.

Lads. 7 00 WJZ Programs (2'2 hn Grocer's Program 10 00-News: State St WJZ 10.48 Dance Music hr i itfi.t WGN Chicago 00-Ouin; Ensemble: Comedians. 7 00 Floorwalker J-aO-Satr WEAP i 1 hi 1 S-mv-fiiiper Orchestra 9 00 Ensem'nlc 10:00 Nvis: Dance '2'2 WMAJ hicago 6.00- Concert Oirt.estra I 00 it hr F-aturf. 30 Conce-t Orch MtiMcvl 9 30-Feature Pv.ermn 10:00 Dsn fc ftlnn. WS0 Amos-Ardv.

1X 1100 (3 lirs VI I inrinnati 6 00 Paice's Hr, 7 00 Bupr era 7 (-cm 8.30 Corict Prcjram. Pari 10 00 1100 Dfi11'? Variety Hour 12.00 Hour 370 MiniteaBahi 810, ti 7 the r- WABC li h'Si 1 1 (10 i 10 Xv. AbC '''in: i O.i fetiw Ties Mntnes IfMKi, 00Whafs cp Ux 5 n- fi- 1 6 30-P Ti.K 5 4S--NeTs OP V'r S' (j 7 Farcer 0r. ert 7 F.or.'ri' Frc 00 H-Mir 8 je- I- -onct PKf'F 00 Tne pr.e'.tv Rvve if sn- H'OO-P-'F-itar w.H-O-O-T VtINTnAV. a WHO De M.nrr 7 8 10- t'nTT! e.

9 h' 10 eoM- tn r'-r to rtno V.t!r: er 10 4f, Nft'r'-'ris! P-. 1' "0 'SI- tn'K Ji r- 11 2S nrr H'-r-- fr.i -e II -nhl ri.r er.5 j- jfi 11.45 -T- 1' 1 (W 10 T-ee 1 1 rrograrr 2 F-e- P-s-s 1 ftnvOance v.f$'m 4 oV rhes'ra 4 4 i sj.r:;rf-y I Sj ivhsi cn the A Macaroni KolL, 4 0kf 25c 25c 25c 39c 39c 23c 25c 69c 22c 29c 21c IMPORTED SARDINES, In Olive Oil, 2 cans PURE LARD, 2 pounds for ITALIAN PRUNES, No. 10 Can NAVY BEANS, 5 pounds for BULK DATES, 2 pounds for MACARONI, SPAGHETTI or NOODLES, 4 pkgs. BARTLETT PEARS, No. 10 Can COFFEE, Fancy Peaberry, Per pound EVERSWEET OLEO, 2 pounds for COCOA, Pure Bulk, 3 pound pkp 1 Cans Hominy, Corn, Red Beans, Pumpkin, Tomatoes or Kraut 3 Northern Lbs, 25c eans For.

Navy, 35c Michigan Navy Beans, 2 lbs. California Lima Beans, 2 lbs. Fancv Prunes, 2 lbs 25c 1.00 98c 65c COFFEE, Diamond Brand, 3 lbs. for BOHEMIAN MALT, 3 cans for BLACKBERRIES, No. 10 Can FT OT IR Reputation Brand (fi nr Diamond Brand tl ir riAJUK 49 lb.

bag. M.bU 49 lb. bag dl.D Butter-Nut Jell 22c ILb. Can Calumet Baking Powder, Pie Tin Free LdO IvoryFlakeslZcZlc Rinso, large package 25c Lux Flakes, large pkg. 25c Gold Dust, large pkg 25c 1 0 0arra 36c Dependable for 79 Years- GOLD MEDAL FLOUR 49 POUND BAG $1.95 WE PAY CASH FOR EGGS.

The Courier from Waterloo, Iowa (2024)


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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.