Nintendo Switch 2 Speculation Thread |ST| Night of the Final Day. ~12 hours remain (2025)

Not entirely sold on a September reveal for the Switch 2. The main dilemma I keep coming back to is that Nintendo's first party releases for the Switch are currently lacking. Not that it's weak necessarily. The gold Switch Lite is badass, EoW looks like amazing, Jamboree should do numbers and I am looking forward to learning more about M&L:Broship. But there are holes.

What's lacking is the typical week-before-Black Friday game (MySims and DQ3? they can do better than that) and nothing in 2025 except a DK remaster (if you assume Legends & MP4 are later). So I think there are clearly things that Nintendo has to share and I am skeptical of them doing it all on a Twitter Direct.

Is that enough to reach their 13.5M forecast? (do not say price cut, it's been the default easy answer many times before and it's never happened). And I don't think the Switch 1 is dead to Nintendo like it is to everyone in this thread lol.

So I am not just assuming that "September is now empty!" cause they had two Directs in the last 3 days of August. Sure, that Museum Direct counts but it doesn't really count if you're talking about game related stuff. I can see why they did it this way. A combo Direct/3 Directs in a week definitely got people's attention. Waaay more than the 3 of them would do on their own.

ie. Furukawa coming up with the combo Direct:

Nintendo Switch 2 Speculation Thread |ST| Night of the Final Day. ~12 hours remain (1)


Another dilemma is the contradiction between:
1) the speculation that September reveal will be similar to the Switch Oct 2016 reveal


2) and the theory Nintendo wants to reveal it before TGS so third parties can announce the games for it.

In 2016 Skyrim couldn't even be officially confirmed for months even though it was in the reveal trailer. And Nintendo didn't even do any real marketing for it until January 2017. Even if you discount this as a one time thing, will Nintendo actually let 3rd parties lead the charge on software for the successor? I doubt it. I am currently reading a lot of anticipation for Level 5 stuff, but is a more powerful system actually necessary for them?

If Nintendo only does a short reveal this month, how many third party games are people expecting to be announced in or around TGS? It sounds like there's expected to be lots. Would Nintendo really allow 3rd partiers to lead the charge on software for their successor? I doubt that.

But Nintendo could do something that resolves that contradiction/solves that problem. They could do an actual blowout for the Switch 2 reveal, or at least a mini-blowout. Demonstrate a couple next-gen exclusive titles and why you can only experience them on the successor etc.

Would they do a Switch 2 blowout of any kind before they fill in the holes in their Switch lineup? I mean, maybe.


A wild speculation by me: going back to the Directs, I think Brazil mentioned expecting an Indie a while ago along with another, and then mentioned they were moved up. Hard to argue that the Indie wasn't moved up. But I wonder if perhaps that it wasn't a Partner Direct that got moved, but some games that were planned to be in a traditional September General Direct got split from that and placed in a separate one, that Partner Direct. As I understand it, 3rd parties don't generally know what kind they'll be involved in, so this could be possible. I wonder if this happened is because

  • lack of new first party info
  • not exactly many bangers in the Partner Direct (I mean, what happened to all that light smoke about CoD & Bully?)

That leads me back to the thought that there's enough left for another Switch 1 Direct. And I can't assume that it couldn't be in September.

Of course, it could be in October. Maybe they do the Switch 2 mini-blowout first and then the one true final Switch 1 Only Direct in October to remind everybody Switch 1 still has games. (theoretically, in this case they could hold off on confirming BC until that Direct)

Or maybe that would be combined with a Switch 2 reveal to become the first Mega-Direct (or Super-Direct if you think they'll go with that name).

Shit...did I just talk myself into a September Switch 2 reveal? Not quite because...


The amusing thing about all this reveal speculation is that I think it entirely depends on when they start mass production and that entirely depends on when they decide to release it. So we're left here grasping straws in the dark and seeing everything happening as being connected to Switch 2 when it actually isn't.


Oh and I don't think Nintendo really cares about Sony/PS5 Pro, I think it's all but guaranteed they'll go after. But they could get so much POP if they toss out a price in the reveal - or at some point before the Pro goes on sale.

Nintendo Switch 2 Speculation Thread |ST| Night of the Final Day. ~12 hours remain (2025)


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