1. Bounen no Xamdou (Xam'd: Lost Memories) - MyAnimeList.net
Junreisha no Compass · Recommendations · Characters & Staff · Anime Reviews
Sentan Island is a small island surrounded by the Yuden Sea. It exists in a state of dreamlike tranquility, cut off from the war between the Northern Government and the Southern Continent Free Zone. Our hero, Akiyuki Takehara, lives on Sentain Island along with his mother Fusa. He is currently separated from his father, the town doctor Ryuzo, but the bond between father and son remains. One day, after taking Ryuzo the lunch that Fusa has made for him as usual, Akiyuki arrives at school, where he is caught up in an explosion along with his friends, Haru and Furuichi. The explosion produces a mysterious light, which enters Akiyuki's arm, causing him excruciating pain. He's given no time to understand it, however, as the white-haired girl who rode on the bus with him guides him to a power unlike anything he's ever known.
2. Xam'd: Lost Memories (ONA) - Anime News Network
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Director: Masayuki Miyaji
3. Bounen no Xamdou (Xam'd: Lost Memories) - Reviews (page 2)
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Read reviews (page 2) on the anime Bounen no Xamdou (Xam'd: Lost Memories) on MyAnimeList, the internet's largest anime database. Sentan Island is a small island surrounded by the Yuden Sea. It exists in a state of dreamlike tranquility, cut off from the war between the Northern Government and the Southern Continent Free Zone. Our hero, Akiyuki Takehara, lives on Sentain Island along with his mother Fusa. He is currently separated from his father, the town doctor Ryuzo, but the bond between fath...
4. Bounen no Xamdou - Xam'D: Lost Memories (Anime) | AnimeClick.it
Trama: Sentan, un'isola lussureggiante e tranquilla, resta imparziale ed estranea alla guerra in corso tra il governo del Nord e quello del Sud.
Sentan, un'isola lussureggiante e tranquilla, resta imparziale ed estranea alla guerra in corso tra il governo del Nord e quello del Sud. Un giorno Akiyuki Takehara, comune studente risiedente sull...
5. Bounen no Xam'd : Animes - Animeka
Trois ans après la création d'Eureka Seven, les Studio Bones reviennent avec une nouvelle œuvre intitulée Bônen no Xam'd. Au vu du succès colossal qu'a connu l' ...
AnimeKa maison francophone de l'animé, base de données dessin animé, japanimation, jeunesse illustré par images, critiques, liste épisodes, articles, awards
6. Bounen no Xamdou - Square Palace
Nov 1, 2010 · Bonsoir, aujourd'hui c'est mon tour de vous présenter un animé découvert récemment, grâce à un ami. Il s'agit donc de Bounen no Xamdou.
Bonsoir, aujourd'hui c'est mon tour de vous présenter un animé découvert récemment, grâce à un ami. Il s'agit donc de Bounen no Xamdou. Le monde est en guerre. Le gouvernement du Nord est en conflit avec la Zone Libre du Continent Sud.
7. Xam'd lost memories - Culture - Forum Geekzone
Dec 14, 2008 · Xam'd : lost memories ( Bonen no zamudo) - 26 épisodes - Bones ... Pourtant son destin va basculer dans le chaos quand le bus qui l ...
Xam’d : lost memories ( Bonen no zamudo) 26 épisodes Bones, aniplex, sony computer entertainment[i] [/i]synopsis : [i] [/i]Akiyuki, jeune lycéen vit tranquillement avec sa mère divorcée sur l’île de Sentan. Pourtant son destin va basculer dans le chaos quand le bus qui l’emmenait au lycée est victime d’un attentat suicide. A partir de ce moment, Akiyuki encore dans le bus, sera touché par une lumière verdatre et se verra transformé en un monstre humanoïde : xam’d. commentaire : Av...
8. Category:Characters - Xam'd: Lost Memories Wiki - Fandom
What is Fandom? About · Careers · Press · Contact · Terms of Use · Privacy Policy · Digital Services Act · Global Sitemap · Local Sitemap · Do Not Sell or Share ...
Characters in Xam'd: Lost Memories, listed from A to Z.
9. Bounen no Xamdou - Animezup
Sep 23, 2012 · Alt title: Xam'd: Lost Memories, Bonen no Xamdou, Bonen no Zamudo, Bounen no Zamudo, Bounen no Zamned Producers: Bones, Aniplex, ...
Alt title: Xam'd: Lost Memories, Bonen no Xamdou, Bonen no Zamudo, Bounen no Zamudo, Bounen no Zamned Producers: Bones, Aniplex, Half H.P Studio, Sentai Filmworks Genre: Action, Sci-Fi, Military Rezum
10. [JP]Bonen no Xamdou - Pagina 6 - Videogiochi Forum Everyeye.it
Sep 30, 2008 · Page 6 of 13 - [JP]Bonen no Xamdou - inviato in Animeye!: visto fino alla 11 mi piace e non mi piace mi piace xke è molto ricercato e fatto ...
Page 6 of 13 - [JP]Bonen no Xamdou - inviato in Animeye!: visto fino alla 11 mi piace e non mi piace mi piace xke è molto ricercato e fatto chairamente bene... non mi piace xke è un pò noioso, e questa sua ricercatezza lo rende fin troppo particolare.... ma racconta tutto bene, e il confronto con nausicaa ci sta proprio tutto... ed è questo il suo bello peccato che manchi di appeal e interesse generale... peccato, poteva essere un capolavoro, per ora è solo carino da guardare.... ma nien...
11. [JP]Bonen no Xamdou - Animeye! - Videogiochi Forum Everyeye.it
Jul 17, 2008 · finisce scuru ramburu? caxxo caxxo caxxo devo recuperare tonnellate di scan... senno prima ke lo vedo animato me lo dicono i miei nipoti come va ...
Page 1 of 13 - [JP]Bonen no Xamdou - inviato in Animeye!: Be', apro un topic per vedere quanti come me sono interessati.Bonen no Xamdou è il nuovo progetto originale dei BONES (Eureka7, Fullmetal alchemist).Ha realizzarlo sono state grossomodo gran parte delle persone che hanno lavorato su Eureka, e si vede. Infatti il primo episodio è una commistione tra Eureka e Nausicaa, e in generale c'è un feeling molto Miyazakiano in tutta la serie.E' forse il primo episodio con le miglio...
12. Bounen no Xamdou Download e Streaming ITA e Sub ITA - AniDream
L'esplosione, detonata da una ragazza dai capelli bianchi che era salita sull'autobus scolastico, produce una luce misteriosa, che si va impiantare nel ...
Guarda e Scarica Bounen no Xamdou in HD su AniDream, Oppure guarda in Streaming Sub ITA e ITA o effettua il Download di migliaia di anime aggiornati
13. Xam'd: Lost Memories (Bōnen no Zamudo) - The Review Heap
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Xam’d: Lost Memories (Bōnen no Zamudo) 2008 This series from Bones & Sony seems to have had a pretty big budget – possibly in part because it was launched as part of the Playstation Netwo…
14. Licensed Bonen no Xamdou (Xam'd: Lost Memories) - Page 46
Oct 2, 2008 · Toru Furuya, the enigmatic character VA in anime these days. Though it does raise the question of how Ishu knows him. Previous member of the ...
Licensed Bonen no Xamdou (Xam'd: Lost Memories) Older Series
15. Licensed Bonen no Xamdou (Xam'd: Lost Memories) - Page 12
Jul 16, 2008 · Page 12-Licensed Bonen no Xamdou (Xam'd: Lost Memories) Older Series. ... Didn't realize it was the same VA. zalem is ...
Page 12-Licensed Bonen no Xamdou (Xam'd: Lost Memories) Older Series
16. Bounen no Xamdo vostfr - Anime-Ultime
RIEN n'est clairement expliqué, tout est montré façon "caméra témoin", et on va ... Parce que Bounen no Xamdou est un incroyable plagiat du manga de Miyazaki ...
Bounen no Xamdo vostfr Synopsis : Épargnée par la guerre entre le gouvernement du Nord et la zone Libre du continent du Sud, l'île de Sentan, entourée par la mer de Yuden, vit dans un état de relative tranquillité. Le héros, Akiyuki Takehara, habite avec sa mère sur cette île et est actuellement séparé de son père, Ryuzo, le médecin du village, mais le lien père-fils reste. Le lycéen apporte quotidiennement à son père le repas que sa mère a préparé. Un jour, Akiyuki et ses amis, Haru et Furuichi, sont victimes d'un attentat. L'explosion produit alors une mystérieuse lumière qui pénètre le bras d'Akiyuki et cause une douleur atroce. Il se retrouve ainsi entrainé dans une étrange histoire où il devra apprendre à maîtriser ses nouveaux pouvoirs TITRE ORIGINAL : Bounen no Xam'd ANNÉES DE PRODUCTION : 2008 - 2009 STUDIOS : [SONY PICTURES ENTERTAINMENT, INC.] [BONES] GENRE : [CYBER & MECHA] AUTEUR : [BONES] VOLUMES, TYPE & DURÉE : 26 EPS 25 mins Source : AnimeKa
17. Bōnen no Xamdou - frwiki.wiki
Bōnen no Xamdou o Xam'd: Lost Memories (亡 念 の ザ ム ド, Bōnen no Zamudo o Bōnen no Zamned ) , Es una serie animada japonesa conceptualizada por el ...
Xam'd: Lost Memories